Sometime around 7 this morning, I was roused from a rather nice sleep by excited cats. Apparently there was something REALLY AWESOME outside my window, and getting to a prime viewing position required stepping on my pillow. Grumph. Stupid cats. Then I heard... splashing? It took a few seconds for the implications of that to seep through my sleepy
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Comments 3
It's Sunday at 2:02 AM, I have an art project due Monday, and I'm supposed to be spending all tomorrow (today!) with Theresa and Ben. Where does the weekend go? I've spent all today and yesterday napping and being cranky. I'm sick. I want spring break. Whine.
Have you heard of Pandora Radio? If not, get thee to You plug in music you like and it suggests more. I think you'll have fun with it. ...Do this after you study. ;)
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