ok so i'm sitting in the middle of english class right now on a laptop with a wireless internet connection. i should be writing a sonnet but i decided that wasn't what i wanted to do. i havent updated in a while and now i'm just gonna fill everyone in on whats been occuring in my life. brendan and i broke up earlier this week b/c we both thought
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Back to the point. Steve has decided that since I took your side a lot I wasn't a good person because I knew him longer and should have stayed friends with him more so. Then he tries to tell all of the ppl that I have been frineds with for so long and that I introduced him to that they should be friends with him instead of me. I mean he wouldnt know juli, cheri, meg, manderz, laura, dawn, and he wouldn't have started talking to sheri again either. and those are the ppl he tries to make me seem assholish to.
The point of this isnt to trash him. Just see how he as changed, and I hope you realise any attempt you make to apolgize or whatever else to him is hopeless, and it isnt your fault all of this.
So forget it :-P
I dunno why I babbled so long I am bored and in themood to talk and there isn't really anyone online to talk to lol
I said nicely my thoughts, just as you belive you have the right to. After all of the bs you said in your livejournal I have the right to state the truth here, the truth you also willingly agree to. You are immature, and no one agrees with you they try to make you feel better and just push you along.
If you can not get over it, let me just make this clear. I am over it, I am done with it. I don't want to hear of this crap again. This was all the worst misunderstanding in history and the fact that you keep going on and on is rediculous. I am sorrybut this is all you convinietly creating blaim on some one else for the failed relationship. That is all I am, I am the scapegoat to give a reason for anger behind your pain that you don't want to feel.
I tried very hard to be civil after you hurt my feelings over and over and over again, and for no good reason. You took my attempt to be nice to everyone and remain netrual as me taking Michael side. That was never the case. The case was that you were both my friends, regardless of how the friendship came about, I protect my friends to the farthest extent I can and when two are fighting I always, ALWAYS, remain netrual no matter who is right. And you both had your points and you both went about things wrongly and did things wrong. Michael should have told you in person, and let you seem him once more and so on, but steve there is a point where it's hard for him to realise this. I do not justify this, but he was hurt to.. he just didnt show it.
The amount of people for you to wine to is starting to thin.. what are you gonig to say now steve?
Are you scared, poor lil baby. "Wah pay attention to me."
No one wants to be on your side, and I would show you quotes from them, but I have better thing to do then to bring them into crap that they have nothing to do with. I now realise, this isn't to do with them. This doesn't even have anything to do with me. This is all you. Do everyone a favor make up another livejournal and bitch to yourself and fight your fake fights with yourself and leave us out of it. Stop making up a new fake reason to bitch about me and just get the fuck over it.
Thank you and good bye. Reply if you must but you will not hear another thing out of me. I have better things to do..
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