Not Dead. Think I'm Getting Better?

Apr 03, 2013 22:38

Resurfacing with an update. Things might actually be getting better, though at the moment it is now a waiting game and that is beyond frustrating for me. Long story short, I ran into my green-haired darling at one of our favourite hang outs in Union Square. He averted his eyes at first, but I eventually walked right up to him and asked if we could talk. He was a little defensive at first, said it was a bad time since it was his friend's birthday, but he would be down to find another time and then suggested that once he got through this job interview he was preparing for, he'd text to figure something out with me. Then we started talking about work (we both work for Whole Foods, but different stores) and TV shows and things we'd been doing lately, tattoos and a bunch of other shit. The conversation actually was almost like nothing was wrong, with laughter and joking and such. When I had to leave, he was like, 'It's alright, because I really have to pee.' Which sort of made me feel good considering he could have used that as an excuse to get away the entire time. He then gave me a really good hug, and as I started to walk down the street, he turned around and said, 'You know, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.' And I was like, 'Of course it wasn't, stupid.' To which he replied, 'Well, you know, I get afraid easily.' And I said, 'I know.' THEN I WALKED AWAY LIKE A BOSS. I think I handled the situation well and I think it's promising that things can probably work out just fine, and this time, shit will actually get handled. But oh man, the blind faith that he will actually follow through after the job interview (which, knowing Whole Foods, will probably be in about a week or two). It's making me so squirmy.

On the bright side, I made this thing.

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