A Bold Step Forward

Feb 26, 2013 22:31

Be proud, all. I made a bold move the other day to block my green-haired darling on Facebook. I still care about him and think about him a lot, and I have to admit, I worry that I'm sending him the wrong message by doing so, but I really needed to so that I wasn't constantly assaulted by the life he was enjoying without me. Or at least, appearing to enjoy. But I digress.

I am hoping that it at least clearly shows that I am focusing on myself. And if he sees that he's blocked and is bothered by it, it's not like he doesn't know a plethora of methods to find out what I feel or get in touch with me again. If anything, he will at least know what being ignored feels like and how much it sucks. I'm not expecting this any time soon, but maybe around the time of my birthday, we'll see.

Since he fucked up last year too....
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