I feel like I live a dream right now! I finally have a job that I really, really enjoy, and I’m making decent money at it too! Not only is it delicious, and not only do I get to draw all day, but also it’s for the socially conscious Whole Foods Market, hip hip hooraaaaaaaaaaaay! Every Whole Foods has an in-house marketing team that is in charge of all the signage and demoing for that particular branch. My new coworker, Donald, was overwhelmed being the only sign maker in a brand new and giant Whole Foods, because he only has two hands and tons of signs to make! He wanted someone to help him with illustrations to make in-store signage more interesting because it is time consuming and he wasn’t able to do as many as he liked. That’s where I come in! I know I’ll still have to practice the Whole Foods font so I can also letter signs, especially if I want to ever transfer to another store on my own, but even still, my job is super fun and the day goes by so quickly!! I can’t believe it!
These pictures are photos I snapped of the things I’ve made in my first two days as an SGA at Whole Foods. I’m still trying to get used to the paint pens that we use to make the signs and how to best blend the colours the way I want, but I’m kind of figuring out a technique. We make the signs on a synthetic board that has a kind of chalkboard texture to it, and generally, approaching the art like a traditional painting works the best, building up colours from a base coat. The tricky part is that unlike traditional painting, where you can mix up your colour on a palette to use as a consistent resource for that colour, you have to mix up the colours on the board as you go since you only have individual paint pens. For some reason, when I draw art of food, I can make it looks a little bit more what you would think of as typical Whole Foods art, but whenever I get to have a more creative design, like the elephant with the cupcakes here, I find that going about the art more like I typically do seems to work the best. It’s probably because of what a lunatic perfectionist I am. But maybe that’s okay, since all the SGAs in the region are pretty competitive, and just doing things my own way will make my art stand out more and give our store that much more character!
I am sad it was too cloudy over New York to see Venus's fancy movement over the setting sun today :(