May 13, 2011 14:16
I know this is not precisely a language question, more a folcloristic one, but I really don´t think there is any other forum on LJ where so many people from different countries are present, so I dare to ask my question here, please tell me, if I am out of order.
I was wondering if there was any other country where the "unlucky day" is not Friday 13th but an other day, such as in Italy, where it is Friday 17th. In Bavaria, in many areas it is still the 1st of April to be considered a unlucky day.
I know that this belief is based on the fact of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which should have happened on a Friday, and the number 13 on the number of apostles, the 13th of which was the traitor Judas Ischiarot.
Apparently it also exists documented only since the 1950ies, but often the stock market crash of 1927 on a Friday 13th is mentioned in this context.