Translation Request

Sep 19, 2010 02:24

I've just heard this heart-wrenching, exquisite hymn. I've managed to find the lyrics in Greek but, beyond the first five words, I have no idea what they mean. I'm unsure as to which stage of the Greek language the lyrics are in though I have a sneaking suspicion that it's Modern Greek. I'm hoping one of you could translate it for me.

Εξέδυσαν με τα ιμάτιά μου και ενέδυσαν με χλαμύδα κοκκίνην.
Έθηκαν επί την κεφαλήν μου στέφανον εξ ακανθών
και επί την δεξιάν μου χείρα έδωκαν κάλαμον,
ίνα συντρίψω αυτούς ως σκεύη κεραμέως.

Thank you very much.
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