Hindi help

Oct 24, 2009 12:44

Hello, could anyone check these sentences for me?

मैंने इस कहानी का अनुवाद तीन दिनों में एक दिन के लगभग दो बजे पर किया। मुझे लगता है कि यह कहानी पहली कहानियों से थोड़ी सी कठिन है लेकिन इस में ज़्यादा बहुत अज्ञात शब्द होते हैं।

I'm trying to say something along the lines of, I worked on the story for 3 days for approx 2 hours a day and I thought it was a bit harder than the previous texts because it had much more words I had to look up. I know the first sentence isn't correct, I really can't think of a way to form it properly.

Is there any good on-line Hindi dictionary with example sentences? Hindi-English would be great, but only Hindi would do as well.


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