A couple of Hindi questions

Apr 02, 2009 20:42

I am extremely confused with the perfective tenses; my textbooks state this:

The Simple Perfective = English Past Simple
The Present Perfective = English Present Perfect
The Past Perfective = English Past Perfect; or

मैं आया → I came
मैं आया हुं → I have come
हैं आया था → I had come

However, my professor insists we use the Past Perfective in instances you would the Past Simple in English, and the Simple Perfective only for repeated actions in the past (like 'used to/would [verb]' construction in English); in my grammar book such repeated actions are expressed using Historical Present (or whatever name you use for it in English, it's verb stem+ता). Now there's always someone who will say something along the lines of "just go with what your teacher says", but I absolutely refuse to study language this way.

Question number two, am I suppose to use modifier पाना with the oblique case of the infinitive (verb stem+ने) or verb stem? The meaning I am aiming for is 'manage to do [verb]'. Do say if the both cases are possible with different nuances.

PS: Does anyone know of any really good sites for only Hindi grammar? Don't know if you're familiar with it, but I really enjoy Tae Kim's site when it comes to Japanese grammar; is there anything even remotely similar for Hindi?

Thank you.


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