Danish pronunciation, regional or otherwise

Jan 07, 2008 10:39

The recent post about Denmark got me remembering...  Can someone point me to a place where I can find Danish pronunciation examples online?  How about regional pronunciations?

A Danish friend comes from a part of the country where many consonants are only faintly pronounced.  He demonstrated his grandparents' rural pronunciation with the Dansk translation of "I am standing on an island in a river" , expecting us to be amazed.  Our reaction satisfied him... it does indeed sound as if it is almost entirely vowels.  I have wanted to play this for my linguist brother, but I didn't get a recording.

I did however manage to come up with a way to explain his pronunciation of the region.  When he says Jutland it sounds more like  yll'n -- sort of like the "uillean" in "uillean pipes" (I'm sure I'm misspelling that as I know no Gaelic at all.).

I'm not a linguist, and I speak very little of the language so far, so I have no clue if this is technically dialect, but it's certainly a different pronunciation than what is spoken in Copenhagen and taught as standard Danish.  And because I want to keep from losting what little Dansk I did pick up on my stay there, I'd also appreciate pointers to any sites that can help adult beginners.

Tak skal du ha...

pronunciation, linguaphile-ness, danish

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