Okay, I just discovered this amazing typing speed software: TyperA. Essentially, it can test your typing speeds in English, Swedish, German, Portugeuse, Turkish and Dutch. It records strokes per minute and words per minute for all the above languages, and the tests I'm especially interested in are English and Dutch (these are the only two without "special" Roman characters).
http://typera.tk/index.cws And because I kind of just got the idea to make this into a project of sorts, I would like you guys to log in under the following name and password:
And then complete the two-minute sentence tests in both English and Dutch. Afterward, if you could please post the character and word-per-minute measurement in the comments, along with the following statistical information, my life would be way eased.
Native language:
Any other language experience (with relative proficiency ratings, please):
Level of education:
Comments will be screeened and I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me write the best paper EVAR.