Hi ho

Apr 12, 2007 01:07

"I spoke at a Humanist Association memorial service for Dr. Asimov a few years back. I said, 'Isaac is up in Heaven now.' That was the funniest thing I could have said to an audience of humanists. I rolled them in the aisles... When I myself am dead, God forbid, I hope some wag will say about me, 'He’s up in Heaven now.'" -- Kurt Vonnegut

So... Kurt's up in Heaven now.

I have no idea if my grandpa ever read Vonnegut, or if he did, whether he liked him, but Vonnegut sort of reminded me of him -- a grumpy, cynical, kindhearted old fellow who always used exactly the right word.

I started reading Vonnegut, oh, around the end of 2005, I think. I just decided that I should read him, so I picked up Timequake at the library because it looked the most interesting. I was not familiar with Vonnegut's writing style. I started reading at the introduction, all these odd little bits of anecdotes and strange sayings... and then Chapter 1 was the same way. I got annoyed and stopped, only to start again from the beginning the next day, now with the correct sort of expectations. I loved the book. Since then I have read Cat's Cradle, Slapstick, Hocus Pocus, and part of Breakfast of Champions. Only part because at the time I was beginning NaNoWriMo 2006 and just didn't have the time. I fully intend to pick it up again.

books, obits, authors

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