
Feb 18, 2007 00:21

Some little boy, maybe six or seven years old, politely curious, was asking me about my nostril stud today.

"What's that thing on your nose?" I told him it was a nostril stud, and yes, it went all the way through.
"Did it hurt?" Actually, no, it didn't hurt much at all.
"How did you do it?" I went to a guy called a piercer, and he took a needle, and pushed it straight through my nostril.
"How?" He used a needle about yay long, I said, holding my fingers about four inches apart. He held something on the inside of my nose so it wouldn't go all the way through.
"What for?" His mom and I both explained that it was a piece of jewelry, like a ring or a necklace.

He seemed impressed. His mom told me he and his sister had just gotten their shots, and he was curious. I'm secretly hoping I see him in ten or fifteen years, and he's got a bunch of facial piercings, and/or a huge backpiece of a dragon or something. Heh.

In other news, highlearn and I (and an LJ-less friend) saw Ghost Rider tonight. It was fun. A LOT of fun. Say what you will about comic book movies, but I like 'em. Some hero with awesome superpowers kicks ass and takes names, there's some eye candy for everyone, lots of action, great special effects. And of course, +1 for FIRE, and LOTS OF IT.

kid, movies, library

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