bring your own bag

Jun 07, 2007 11:40

CNA reports that:
Over 70% of shoppers support Bring Your Own Bag Day

I'm not sure which part of the article explains that though.

The article mentions there are 215 retail outlets supporting BYOB. Sounds like alot of support, but I wonder how is the figure calculated. According to Wikipedia, NTUC has about 100 Fairprice outlets. Are each of them calculated into this figure?

The only other bit of figures comes at the end from the NTUC's managing director explaining that "Some stores are reporting that 20 percent of the customers are starting to bring their own bags and some stores are reporting figures as high as 80 percent."

I still not sure where the 70% came from. Did they collect figures across all the stores, run a factor analysis [because some stores will see less people than others], and average it across a sampling distribution to arrive at this figure? All in one day? Or perhaps they simply calculated how many less plastic bags they gave out yesterday, although I don't see how the number of plastic bags not used translates into the number of people who decided not to use them.

Apparently, the article also mentioned that Keppel distributed about 100,000 free re-usable bags at all NTUC outlets. How does this affect the figure? Is the figure then simply a case of the number of people who brought their own bag because they have a Keppel bag which they received at the door?

Lastly, the article doesn't mention if the average turnout of shoppers that day matched the average turnout on non-BYOB days i.e. the people who did turned up either biased or have mother-in-laws who called in the morning to notify them they have to plan a party for 100 people this evening.


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