2008 Can Suck It!

Jun 22, 2008 22:59

Everything that can go wrong this year has. This week alone:

  • My sister's boyfriend's drug addicted ex-friend decided it would be hilarious to steal her DS (including games and case, I'm pretty sure her GBA games went with it) and iPod and sell them for crack money. I mean, seriously, who does that shit? And to make matters worse: the kid was over ( Read more... )

general: birthday, real life: school, real life: family, music: concerts, fandom: backstreet boys, general: rant, backstreet: howie, real life: work

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Comments 10

ohcherub June 23 2008, 09:43:59 UTC
George Carlin is dead?! :(


pikka June 23 2008, 19:45:17 UTC
I'm so sorry this year is being so hard on you! D: *huugs* but by September, everything will be better. I promise!

And poor Howie. ._. I feel so sorry for him and his family. Well, at least his father didn't ahve to suffer evry long...

And aaww, thank you! It's so nice of you to even consider doing such a post! :D That's all that matters, thank you so much. ♥!

And if you need someone to talk, just leave me a message over at LJ or e-mail me; I'll get online as soon as possible. (Though you must consider time zones. :o)


linear_flower June 23 2008, 20:10:10 UTC
Yes September! I can't wait.

:( I just have to think, "He lived through Father's Day," yanno?

♥ Now I feel better.

I know and will do! :D


aphroditeangel June 23 2008, 23:51:52 UTC
Yeah this year has been full of suck hasn't it. I feel so bad for poor Howie. At least Hoke got to see him get married and stuff as well as they got to spend one last father's day with him.


pattieisntcrazy June 24 2008, 05:40:52 UTC
and that is why i do not have any friends or friends of friends who do drugs.

i like my ds, thank you very much. lol


linear_flower June 24 2008, 05:45:58 UTC
I liked mine too. :(


pattieisntcrazy June 24 2008, 05:48:34 UTC
ya'll should call the cops on that guy. or jump him and demand your shit back.


linear_flower June 24 2008, 05:50:50 UTC
In my case IDK who took it, so it's gone.. in my sister's, the guy already sold it for drug money.


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