
Dec 17, 2008 01:07

Tagged by dreaminginred16

Rules: Post one thing that made you happy each day for 8 days. Then tag 8 people to do the same.

Day 1: Being asked to go into work tomorrow, even though I was originally scheduled to be off. The extra money will be nice. Getting Japanese import stuff from friends for Christmas.

Tagging... whoever.

Also, non-meme stuff:

My Flickr has been completely wiped clean in preparation for my photoblog (which I may start tonight, if I feel up to it.). I've been thinking, if I get serious about it, I'm gonna want a camera that isn't a piece of crap, you know?

This is the camera I have now, and I hate it. The photo quality is shit, the battery life is shit, everything about it is shit. The worse part? When I bought it, I swear it was around $100. Now? I can get a better camera for almost half that!

This? This would be perfect for what I want to do. And it's... $79.95! For something way way better than what I have now

You know what else I want?

A digital camcorder!

I need one if I'm gonna vlog, of course.

This one looks interesting. However, I was hoping to spend a lot less than the $400 this costs, but if I get rid of some extras (I was looking into a tripod but for vlogging I can do without it.), I can probably convince my family to splurge on it for me... next Christmas.

Oh! Also... I don't think I'm gonna include deviantART,, StumbleUpon and delicious in my Project 365. That's just, too much. LJ, Blogspot, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr are more than enough to keep me busy for a year.

internet: flickr, general: wants, internet: meme, internet: vimeo

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