
Dec 15, 2008 18:50

In my Internets searching, I found Username Check. What it does is checks a multitude of social networking/blogging sites and figures out if the username you entered is registered on said sites.

I used, of course, "aeiouna"

The site said my username was registered on 18 sites (Blogger, Delicious, Diigo, Disqus, Flickr, Gmail, HelloTXT,, LJ, Meemi, MySpace, Pownce, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Yahoo, and YouTube).

Of those 18, 11 of those (Delicious, Disqus, Flickr, Gmail,, MySpace, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Yahoo, and YouTube) are actually me.

1 is, in any way, not me (Blogger)

For 5 of them (Diigo, LJ, Meemi, Pownce, and Vimeo), the site said it was taken but clicking the site gave me a "there is no user with this username" error (which is good because I think I want a Vimeo account XD)

The last one, HelloTXT, might be me, but I'm not sure (though at this rate, I'm doubting it). There is an actual account, but neither of my normal passwords work and it has an awkward lost password function. It tells you "Check your email" if you plug one in, regardless if there's an account attached to it or not (I tried with my Hotmail and Gmail accounts). - Okay I lied. Tried it with a "keyboard smash" username, and got the same issue. Looks like this site always throws a taken (as do Diigo, LJ, Pownce and Vimeo). Yeah, this site throws a taken no matter what. I just tried to sign up and had them check availability of "aeiouna" and got "available"

internet: flickr, internet: youtube, internet:, internet: other sites/blogs, internet: tumblr, internet: delicious, internet: google, internet: stumbleupon, blogs: short and sweet, internet: myspace

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