Title: "The White Rider"
by Eve Le Dez (
Character: An old friend...
Rating: G
Disclaimer: No harm meant, no money made. My muses come and go as they like - they just kindly allow me to draw them from time to time. ;) Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
"The White Rider"
Pencil and colour pencils on cream coloured paper
So, after my big move (which involved packing up all my artsy stuff and meant that quite a lot of pictures were just hurriedly tucked away into folders for transport) I'm now slowly beginning to find time to unpack all the stuff that came here with me. And there are a few things that were not scanned and uploaded before... like this old friend who came by for a quick afternoon chat one day and let me know that he and his fellow Elves were still around somewhere nearby - just in case...
After that, I suppose he must've ridden off to the Bruinen to save Frodo from the Ring Wraiths. :)