Stolen from Rachel

Sep 06, 2005 21:35

1. I have three sisters, no brothers.
2. My favorite books are the Hitchhiker's trilogy.
3. I can't draw well with anything other than a mechanical pencil.
4. Courtney is my only friend that I met on LJ.
5. I love cartoons.
6. I accidentally saw the gay pride parade when I was two (Trust me, the fact that it's disturbing has NOTHING to do with the fact that they're gay...oO;;)
7. I've never had a furry pet. :P
8. I love 90's movies (Ten Things I Hate About You, Empire Records, etc.)
9. I named my skateboard.
10. I take REALLY long showers.
11. My first grade teacher thought that I read too fast to be understanding anything. I didn't. :P
12. My favorite name is Blake, for a boy or a girl.
13. I taught myself how to draw.
14. I write better than this, honestly. XD
15. I haven't eaten meat in nine years.
16. I only own five pairs of jeans. That's all my mom will let me buy.
17. None of my real life friends know I have a livejournal.
18. I still read Nickelodeon magazine, and nobody know it. XD
19. I eat almost anything with either a fork or my fingers. XD Especially chicken noodle soup. How else do you avoid the chickeny bits?
20. I sound very vaguely British when I write.
21. I dance in the morning sometimes to wake myself up.
22. I straightened my hair for the first time today in two years.
23. I hate anything chocolate-FLAVORED.
24. I buried two of my fish.
25. I often say the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time. :/
26. I can still remember really embarrassing moments from third grade.
27. I've never been on a date. D:
28. French fries are my favorite food EVER.
29. I only never say 'Fuck you' unless I really mean it.
30. I'm constantly hungry.
31. I don’t really ever get hungry. Really.
32. I say “like” way too much.
33. I always get really excited when someone posts on my livejournal. Lykpnq, people actually read this thing?
34. I'm tone deaf, yet I sing to my iPod. In fact, I'm singing right now.
35. If I'm with my friends, I'm hideously outgoing, and I always try to look brave.
36. I'm TERRIBLE at taking pictures. I have the worst bullshit smile... XD
37. I know what sesquipedalpedian (SP) means.
38. The Daily Show makes me laugh out loud.
39. I love getting presents, but I love giving them just as much. :D
40. I love thunderstorms.
41. I love to skateboard, even though little kids laugh at me when I try.
42. Scary Movie Three almost made me throw up, with the guy's hand. XXXXXXP
43. I never, EVER say I'm from Illinois when people ask me where I live. Chicago, baby.
44. The Salmon of Doubt convinced me to be an atheist (I was agnostic before that).
45. I sometimes pronounce decade 'DUcade' and occasionally get confused.
46. I live in Canada, so that automatically makes me a thousand and a half times cooler than you.
47. I've listened to Automatic Girl too many times. :P
48. In seventh grade I was obsessed with Simple Plan. No laughing.
49. I love Harry Potter but don't read fan fiction. It bothers me when people use someone's characters but write in a style that they don't belong in, particularly if it's too far-reaching.
50. I don't really have a best friend.
51. I've never had a crush on a teacher.
52. I'm not scared of death but would like to live as long as possible.
53. My mom was more popular than I am when she was my age.
54. I only make one kind of graphic. XD
55. My hair is unneccesarily thick. And dark. People think it's black.
56. Our Brown Friends is now my favorite Lola Ray song.
57. I get a new cell phone this weekend. :D
58. I'm better and ideas than actually writing the book/thing.
59. Sandman is the pwningestest graphic novel series thing EVER.
60. I'm on nine different pills for pretty much the same thing.
61. I've never highlighted my hair.
62. I'm addicted to Comedy Central and Cartoon Network.
63. Nickelodeon went downhill after they got rid of the original cast of All That.
64. I always wanted to learn to play guitar, but I don't have time.
65. I spend most of my time working with stories and such in my head. Like, when I'm bored or trying to fall asleep.
66. I wish the US used metric, but I can't imagine saying I was a Kilometer and a half or whatever the fuck I am.
67. I'd die for my species, or my planet, but maybe not for my country. I've never been that patriotic.
68. I love cats.
69. I'm too intimidated to speak Spanish to native speakers, for fear they'd react like Rachel does. XD
70. My eyes are usually green.
71. I really hate being dependent on my parents.
72. I still sometimes go on the HC.
73. I don't really like or understand religon/the need for religion.
74. I've gone for five days without showering once. O______________________O
75. I'm very into equal rights.
76. I'm a bit of a packrat and still pretty sentimental.
77. I'd never throw out a stuffed animal or a book.
78. I love Teen Titans. :o
79. I hate math.
80. I have a really bizarre memory and NEVER forget a face.
81. It took me a year to learn how to do lj-cuts.
82. I haven't had a chance to see a lot of movies I'd really like to see.
83. Monotones drive me crazy.
84. I spent WAY too much time as a kid wishing I had a boyfriend.
85. I can only flirt with guys I don't know.
86. I sleep on top of my quilt with a down throw blanket.
87. I sleep on the toilet in the mornings.
88. If love sleeping when it rains or with a window open.
89. I HATE having dry hands.
90. My body usually seems colder than other peoples. oO Except my shoulders are constantly warm, like I have a sunburn.
91. I only get burned if I'm out in the sun all day. Even if I wear sunblock. Tis bizarre.
92. I have to wash my folders tonight.
93. If you guys were friends with me in real life, we'd be the coolest group of people EVER.
94. I'll sleep in untill one or two if I had my way.
95. I've been living for college since third grade. XD
96. I can quote from Sixteen Candles AND the South Park Movie. :P
97. I apparently have a 'gift' for languages. -shrugs-
98. My friends tell me I sound 'weird' online because I type the way I speak.
99. I REALLY need to sleep right now.
100. Nobody can ever spell my name right. LindsEy, not LindsAy. :P
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