Sep 06, 2005 20:38
In no particular order after number one:
1. Finish math, spanish, english, and whatever the fuck I have left.
2. Update iPod with the rest of my Lola Ray songs (OBSESSED).
3. Start reading Catcher in the Rye so I don't have to dissect it the first time I read it.
4. SHOWER. Etc.
5. Pick out clothes for tomorrow? Can wait.
7. WASH BACKPACK and try to clean phone so it works for the rest of the week.
8. Go over my schedule for tomorrow. What day are we doing, anyways? Tuesday? Wednesday? oO;
9. Mediatate and read because I've been spazzing all day.
10. Maybe grab some desert or something before bed.
See? Not bad. I can handle being a freshman. -inhale.exhale-
XD Dark, I'm going to put up my bellezza layout now. Because I FEEL LIKE IT. XD