(no subject)

Jun 01, 2004 19:36

Current mood: tired
Current music: 89x
Current taste: nothing
Current hair: its um down
Current clothes: jeans and a tshirt
Current annoyance: hmm...stuff
Current smell: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: oh i dont know
Current windows open: this one and my buddy list
Current desktop picture: idc
Current favorite band: hmmm theres a few
Most listened to: w/e i like
Current book: i dont read too much
Current cds in stereo: mixed
Current crush: i dont have one 
Current favorite celeb: ashton kutcher
Current hate: snakes...well im just afraid of them
Current job: cland

:+:The last time:+:
Last book you read: couldnt tell you
Last movie you saw: miracle :o) such a good movie
Last thing you had to drink: koolaid
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: macaroni salad
Last person you talked to on the phone: tony

:+:Do I:+:
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Have sex?: uh..not lately 
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yea
Play an instrument?: no
Believe there is life on other planets?:  sure
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: nah
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
Believe in miracles?: Yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: if you want to
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: haha..when i feel like it
Like the taste of alcohol? yea
Have a favorite candy?: yea
Believe in astrology?: uh huh
Believe in magic?: sure
Believe in god?: yes ma'am/sir
Have any pets?: a dog
Do well in school?: uh huh
Go to or plan to go to college?: yes
Wear hats?: no...not even to work
Have any piercings?: yea
Have any tattoos?: nope
Hate yourself?: about 70% of the time
Have an obsession?: uh
Collect anything?: no
Have a best friend?: yes i do
Close friends?: yep
Wish on stars?: no...its a waste of my damn time
Like your handwriting?: uh huh
Care about looks?: um...sure

:+:Love life:+:
First crush: dunno...someone in pre-school probably
First kiss: idk
Single or attached?: single
Ever been in love?: yea
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
Do you believe in "the one?": mmhmm
Describe your ideal significant other: i dont feel like it

:+:Juicy stuff:+:
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: well um...no
Have you ever been intoxicated?:  mmhmm
Favorite place to be kissed?: neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?":  no
Shy to make the first move?: not really

:+:Are you a:+:
Wuss: sometimes
Druggy: nope
Daydreamer: yess
Freak: idk
Dork: yes
Bitch/Asshole: yep
Sarcastic: sure
Goody-goody: if u want me to be
Devil: nope
Shy: sorta
talkative: if i know you
Joker: yea
Flirty: sure
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