May 25, 2005 01:16
Hmm. What to write about...? Again, it was another boring summer day. I guess I'm actively seeking stuff to do besides watch TV or talk online. That stuff gets old very quick, especially the TV watching part. There are only so many shows on HGTV or TLC that I like. The rest can be equated to a soap opera. I like other channels, but for some reason my interest in VH1 and E! has decreased. I used to watch those channels all the time on winter break and such.
Today I woke up very late, at 1 PM, which is terrible! I wish I was a morning person. But I'm not. Let's see... I watched TV with Mom for a while (HGTV, her favorite channel), folded laundry, got dressed, went to DJ's Ceramics (They still haven't fired my pieces!) Dusty was there and we went out to dinner at 4:45 PM at the Sandstone Café, then he walked to his apartment and I went home. After that I put on my hat and went to church because I wanted to practice my guitar for youth group, then I found out that youth group tomorrow night is doing yard sale work, so no practice for the band. Then Jak and I went to Pasco and watched the last inning of the second Kennewick Naz. softball game. That was good.
Oh fun! Then I fake packed my suitcase... I didn't weigh it but I know it is too heavy. On the way to Kansas City, I'm going to wear jeans and tennis shoes because they take up more room than other stuff in the suitcase. I think I'll check the carry on guidlines to see if my gym bag will work... it might be too big. Anywho, time to take a shower and go to bed.