Sep 21, 2008 16:23
The bike gang just rode past...second time in two days that I've seen them. They must have broken up for the summer, and just got around to reorganizing. I am still bitter...1. because I am not part of their gang 2. because I still think they stole my bike 3. I'd rather have one of their bikes than my new one. Josh says I can sell my new one and put the money towards a bike I actually want. But I think I'm over it. I am trying not to get to much into appearances anyways.
One of the bike dudes yelled out "Uh oh! Gas Crisis!" as he road past the Circle K. Circle K just got more gas today after being out since Hurricane Ike hit. The line has been backed up down the street all day. I don't know how long it will take for things to get back to normal. But it's freaky reasons like this that I want to live within walking distance of important school and work. We didn't even use a quarter of a tank since the crisis hit and we weren't even trying.
I like to call it a crisis b/c it is so stupid. We only ran out of gas b/c every one and their mother filled up and then some before the hurricane. Then once the hurricane hit we were out of gas AND no more was coming for a long time. Stupid people....I blame the media for making it such a big deal.
My dad didn't believe me when I told him about it. My Dad!! i couldn't believe it...He's the first person to say that people don't know where their food comes from...they think it comes from the grocery store, not farms. That's why he gets so annoyed when people protest large farms...but seriously, if we are to consume food the way we do, then don't blame the large farms. The large farms are a capititolist business in a capitolist country, and they are trying to make money...the thing is, in order for a farm to make money is to be so large, otherwise it isn't worth it. So if the consumer wants to continue consuming they way they do as cheaply as they do (1$ double cheeseburgers at McDonalds) then they have to support large farms. If you don't support them, BUY LOCAL BITCHES! Sorry this is a sore spot for me. I hate environmentalists and "do gooder" vegitarians who preach all their propaganda but don't understand it or how the system works.
Anyways my point, the exact same thing goes for gas. Americans don't understand where and how gas comes from and works, they just want a lot of it and cheaply. Which is why I was shocked when my dad couldn't believe we ran out. But really, gas is a NON RENEWABLE RESOURCE! First thing you learn in science class. Which brings me to another rant, the lack of scientific knowledge (basic scientific knowledge) in this country. It's like it is uncool to know science here and be interested. Stupid consumers.
And just so you know...I love my meat cheap.