Sep 19, 2008 23:09
So. you may have noticed that I have recently written things differently than normal. It's because I have gotten annoyed at myself and my writing style. I feel like everything I write and say is I, I, I! I did this, I did that. Blah blah blah. not very interesting if I want to make my job being a blogger. I know it can be done. I read two different blogs and a comic strip where the people support their whole family by blogging. That's the life isn't it!?!?!
I currently have one glass left of a bottle of wine. FYI. (you don't know how long it took me to type fyi!...much to long!)
I am trying different styles to help improve my writing. I hope I can do it. Wouldn't be sweet if I could make a living from my bloggin!? But...would it be fulfilling? I feel that to be able to blog interestingly enough I need to be doing something with my life, to give me something to say.
The speaker today talked about working in the real world and what sort of options are out there. He talked about NAVO, a goverment job where you work, as a civilian, for the navy. once Josh gets his bachelor's in biology, we can get a job there and sail the world on a super high tech governmetn boat that scares away pirates. That's really my dream job. Really. I could pretend I was the biggest scariest pirate out there. They are at sea for a month then get 2 weeks off at sweet locations like thiland and singapore and other amazing places. Yes, that's for me. Yes. Now to get Josh to be motivated. That's the hard part. He better not hold me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (extra exlamations for emphasis.)
The speaker is getting a divorce currently and has custody of a 3.5 yr old girl. The mom has to suck a lot to lose custody of her...the mom moved to Oklahoma. Another reason to sucking a lot. can you imagine a divorce? i can't. Not at all. which is good considering my time in life right now.
I made peanut butter from stale peanuts I had. Then I made peanut butter cookies. mmmm...they are good too. I am going to bring them to the departmental party tomorrow. I hope people like them. They aren't too amazing...but they are totally made from scratch..that's got to count for something.
Okay, I need to go.