The one-liners of Margaret Atwood

May 09, 2006 13:40

So I'm online, downloading articles about Puerto Rico for my boss and all of a sudden ProQuest just shuts down and refuses to reload. I like the fact that the screen says "you didn't do anything, this is an internal error." Well that's all well and good ProQuest, but what am I supposed to do for the next three hours?!?

I'm reading Margaret Atwood's Lady Oracle right now (although, probably not for long since I just had my first 651 class and now know for sure how time consuming it will be)it is really good, right now the main person, Joan, is living with this Polish Count and is just finding out that he is a total crazy asshole, and she says, "I began to feel a little like Eva Braun in the bunker: what was I doing with this madman, how did I get into this thoroughly sealed place, and how could I get out?" Isn't that weird? I laughed out loud when I read that, what a thing to say when you are in a relationship. So when you start comparing yourself to Eva Braun, you know its time to get out. And that makes me think, what do you think Eva was thinking when Hitler gets her into a bunker and tells her to kill herself? She was probably a crazy hateful person herself and was probably cool with it, but still, what if she was like, "oh man, I just wanted to ride in his blimp and now this?"

AAAAAANyway, enough about Hitler. Thats a pretty funny line, right?

I love Margaret Atwood

ok, I'm going to go see if ProQuest fixed itself
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