
Dec 05, 2006 18:58

K, so, I don't want this to be an issue, but I decided I needed to do another friends cut. This time, I'm just doing it, not asking anyone if they want to remain friends first. I've been making a lot of difficult decisions as of late, and while this was one of them, it was certainly not the biggest priority, and so don't want to make a big deal out of it. If I cut you, it means that you've been inactive for a long time or I just can't keep up with you anymore; I was trying to get to know some of you, and for awhile it was working, but I just don't have the time slash emotional energy to really connect with so many people, and I want to sort of make LJ a smaller, more intimate place for me. [/longest run-on sentence ever] But anyway, yes. I find myself scrolling through my friends page rather quickly and not paying attention to any of the entries because I just don't have time, and I don't want to do that anymore. Please don't be offended. It's just life.

Um, if I didn't cut you, it means I know you and like you and care about what you write here, so hi ♥

Also, um, I'm definitely not in the floo network anymore, so I don't know why new people keep friending me from it. I probably should look into that. Uh yeah.

I'm sorry,
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