Mar 09, 2008 22:45
I just posted a little rant on myspace, and since Cindy, Dani and I were talking about livejournal today, I decided to post this on here. But that will come later.
This weekend was overall one of the best I've had in a long time. I saw so many different people, some who I haven't seen in a long time, and it made me feel so happy. I slept in my own bed last night, which hasn't happened on a weekend since I can remember. Today felt like it was last winter, which was really nice. I did so many different things, and stayed sober the whole weekend, which, surprisingly, was a good thing. Also, I really enjoy the company of Cindy Luce. Or Loose.
So, here is my rant.
You think you know a person, or just people in general. It's so sad that I'm at the point where it doesn't surprise me that things don't surprise me anymore. That I've just come to expect these things from everyone in general, even my friends. There are a very very select few people--I bet I could count them on one hand--that I think are actually genuinely good-hearted, smart human beings. And for people that think that they might be one of these people, they probably aren't. Even some of the people that I love with my whole entire heart, I wouldn't put into this category. I wish that the world wasn't comprised of so many people that are so stupid. I understand that people make mistakes, I make mistakes, but when it's a mistake that you've made before, or you know it's a mistake while it's happening, or you've seen it made a thousand times before, or you've criticized it dozens of times before, I don't understand how you can do the same thing. It's so pathetic that this is what I've come to expect from people. I just wish that more people surprised me when they did stupid things. People who, when they fuck up things in their own lives, and other's lives, feel guilt, feel remorse, apologize. I wish there were more people that would give a second thought when things went wrong. I know it's easy to say you don't care about anything, and to not care about anything, I've been there, but you have to have a balance. There has to be some things that matter, and it's so hard for me to believe that for so many people, they don't.
I know this was really vague, but it is, and it is not, in reference to a lot of events that have happened over the past few months and to what I've been thinking about them. Don't make assumptions, because it's not worth it.
After I re read that, and thought about it some more, it made me realize that the few people who are the good-hearted smart people, how much I love them, and how happy I am to have them in my lives. And also, it made me realize how much I actually love my friends, to be able to get past the mistakes that they make.