(no subject)

Jul 20, 2010 10:36

I love to read the words by Neale Donald Walsch. Whatever he has to say has always made so much sense to me and fit right at home in my being. Just a few pages of any of his books makes me feel so much better about living, about being, about happiness. He has taught me to allow myself to feel happiness at any given time, in any situation. It's not always easy, but it's the best gift anyone has ever given me.

Anyway, tonight is karaoke night. This will be my second night attending. I really had so much fun last time. I hope it'll be just as fun--if not better--tonight. I can't drink as much though. I've got clinical procedures in the morning and I've got a lot to get done.

Now, on a totally different subject. I'm not sure whether to trust you, and I know I don't yet. How could I? I don't expect you to trust me either. All I know is that it really makes me feel good when I talk to you, and I like that. I'm not sure why it stung so much when I saw what I saw that day, and I'm not sure if it's okay that it did. All I'm hoping is that you're not planning on playing me for a fool, because that is something I will not allow to happen. Day by day. Word by word. When we hang out, regardless of if you like me-like me, or just like me, I hope it wont be the last time we hang out. I'd like to be friends no matter what, because I can be a good friend and I'm sure you can be to.

I'm smarter now to know enough to not get my hopes up for anything that seems out-of-reach or out of my league. Expectation leads to disappointment--this, I was taught by The Books.

My best friend told me that people are talking about me and now she doesn't trust me. I asked her who it was that was talking about me and she couldn't give me names. I asked her if it were any of the people that we hang out with and she said no. I told her it doesn't matter then. Why should I care? If it's not any of my friends that I love and care about then I don't care to know who is talking about me or what they are saying. It isn't important. It really hurts to think that she would believe so quickly what people are supposedly saying about me. We're best friends. We're supposed to trust each other over anybody. I trust her. I don't pay attention to anything that anyone says about my best friend if they don't matter. Why would I? Why would she?
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