Place: Ferry boat. Mediterranean Sea. Outside of Capri.
I think I just had my favorite day of my entire Italian tour. We just spent the whole morning touring the Isle of Capri, and it's got to be the most beautiful place I've ever seen. And considering all that I've seen in the last month, that's saying a lot.
It's the prettiest combination of clear (like see all the way down to the bottom of the deep blue sea clear) water, and mountains with high cliffs and villas and lovely gardens with the nicest of sea breezes that both feels and smells wonderful. I don't think anything bad could happen to you in a place like this. I hate to even look down to write because I don't want to miss any of the amazing view.
We had an adorable little Italian/English tour guide named Paulo. He grew up in Sorrento but had an English accent that he attributed to his English mother. He sounded very much like Jude Law. Quite precious.
Paulo brought us from Sorrento, across the Bay of Capri, into the island in a big ferry. When we got to the island, we got on a much smaller boat and drove around the island for about an hour. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.
In Sorrento, on the way to the ferry.
Approaching Capri
The island is separated into two levels. So after our boat ride, to get up to the second level we rode a trolley type escalating cable car called a Ferniculore ("fir NICK yoo lihr", incase you're curious about pronunciation)
Once to the top, Paulo led us through the main square where we saw several ridiculously wealthy people drinking champagne for lunch. He also showed us villas belonging to celebrities and other loaded people such as Sophia Loren and the makers of Johnson & Johnson products.
Sophia's Villa, that she visits one week every two years.
We also walked through the most beautiful garden I've ever seen. When everyone else was taking toilet breaks, I took 5 minutes to myself in the garden and took the opportunity to listen to birds and the other sounds of nature. It was a nice change from the sounds of the cities that we'd been in for several days past.
I tried swordfish for the first time at lunch with tomato sauce. I thought it was quite good. With tiramisu gelato for dessert. Oh the joy.
Once we took the ferniculore back to the lower level, I did a bit more souvenir shopping, and then Marcus decided that we needed to try a second dessert because "We're in Italy". (That logic is precisely why I am currently the size of a small cow). So we had a strawberries in cream sundae that the two of us, together had a hard time finishing.
Ya know, we've walked an average of about 9000 steps every day that we've been in Europe (Vatican day was the most - 11000 steps), but I don't think it's doing much good for my figure since I'm constantly stuffing my face with gelato and pizza.
Antonio is picking us up when we dock in Napoli in a few minutes and bringing us back to Rome for our last two nights in Europe.
QUOTE: "When a traveler returneth home, let him not leave the countries where he hath traveled altogether behind him." - FRANCIS BACON