Dec 20, 2011 23:24
Of all the Facebook posts, all the blogs, the book I'm reading, the places I went, the news I watched etc. .... this is what stood out to me, hit me in the face, rather:
what we try to repress invariably eats us alive
Oh fucking great. Not more. Oh please not more. NO MORE.
I'm so tired. I just want a normal life.
I know ... this is the mountain I must climb. When I get to the top it will be all worth it. Tonight I was so tired and worn out that I was almost suicidal. Anxiety attacks take so much out of me and I was in a constant state of anxiety from sometime on Saturday until last night and then again today.
The weekend anxiety all comes down to this. You know how when you are a little kid and Daddy comes home and you are happy to see him. You go running up to him and say "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" ... I never really had that. Dad coming home meant hell. Would he be in a good mood? If so then we would all let out a sigh of relief. If he came home in a bad mood then anything could happen. He would start in on mom and not let up. He would critisize everything and anything. I always felt so guilty, taking all the guilt on myself. Me thinking of how much I could have done to help mom or taken on things myself. Now things start to spiral on myself I get in the same position. It is as if my dad is yelling at me in my head all over again. I carry that with me constantly, except I can't hear it. It has gone underground. It is so deep that I don't know if I can ever recover. It is so unbelievably hard.