Oct 31, 2008 17:56
Ha, ha! I love my job! Today I've spent the day as Nosferatu, sneaking up on unsuspecting customers, demanding their blood. Licking my teeth behind the counter. Standing stock still with my hands over my chest thinking dark thoughts. And so on...
It's been a nice day all in all, the weather was fine enough, I skipped yoga this morning to start packing instead. Tonight I'm off to Ystad for a weekend of role playing with the best team of adventuring ladies ever. We celebrate ten years with the same characters this fall and will observe that anniversary with a full weekend of gaming.
Yeah, I'm a total nerd when I want to.
Since tomorrow's an official holiday the store will be closed and Monday's my special day so I asked for vacation then. Result- I'm off work until next Thursday! Vacation! The best part of growing up and getting a 'real' job.
My middle brother'll come down on Monday and have lunch with me, that's something to look forward to as well.
I'm thinking of trying NaNoWriMo with The Ticking City just to get it started. But then I found my senses in a corner and came to them. I'm sticking with Udda, that one's supposed to be ready for final verdict in the beginning of December. Now's not the time to relax.
Another half hour of fang-filled work, then packing, cuddling the rats and off to see the ocean.
Catch you on the flip side!
holiday celebration,