Nov 22, 2006 14:53
I'm feeling good today! Five whole days of vacation stretch in front of me...the past few weeks have been absolutely exhausting in every sense of the word but hopefully things are starting to look up.
Yesterday I spent all day working on my Teacher Work Sample and my portfolio. When I say all day, I mean from the time Joseph left yesterday morning at nine AM until, oh, about one-thirty this morning. I took a 45 minute break to go to Wesleyannes but then came right back and jumped into it again; I ate two meals at my desk. My fingertips are sore today from typing so much! The hard part was uploading everything into my portfolio...we have to use this software program called LiveText and it's a pain in the bee-hind to get everything situated just so. Silly me, I thought that when everyone complained about it so much it was because they were, well, not as up on their technology...I thought that me being raised in the "digital age" or whatever would make it a snap. Nope...turns out this piece of software just ain't compatible with anything Microsoft ever wrote. That pretty much sums it up. I finished most of it, though, early this morning...I had decided that I wouldn't go to bed until I had everything uploaded that could be uploaded and luckily I got that accomplished before two AM.
What else, what else...I haven't written in here in so long. I wrote out a long entry last week and thought I uploaded it, but somehow it never appeared and I didn't feel like recreating it. I played in the fall recital on Monday night-it might have been my last recital at Wesleyan! Somehow that thought doesn't make me very sad. Anyway, Lauren and I played a two-piano duet and it was so much fun!
Today I am going to be a semi-productive person and clean the apartment. Everyone else left for the holidays yesterday, so I have the whole place to myself. I could see how it could get lonely after a while, but right now I'm enjoying it. Joseph and I have been talking some more this week about where I'm going to live next fall and just for kicks I started to look at apartments and duplexes in this area. There's some really nice ones not that far from Wesleyan that would fit right in my budget as a starting teacher! I can't believe that a year from now I'll be paying my own bills and living on my own. Craziness.
Okay, I'm off to Swiffer the apartment now...;)