Life update!

Apr 02, 2012 11:56

Grey Mouse - He is dead. There have been no more mouse sightings. I finally bought some snap traps, super glued bait to the thingie (he stole the first round of bait) and killed him that way. Poor grey mouse.

Work - I'm officially done with misdemeanor! Although I still have a few cases I held onto. This week I'm starting to do felonies! ( Read more... )

technology is shiny, writer's cockblock, work, life update, mouse

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Comments 2

artconserv April 6 2012, 01:50:48 UTC
Congrats on solving the mouse situation. I also had a mouse in the kitchen that had to die. It was getting onto my counter tops and leaving me presents around the sink. Yuck. Neither dog even noticed it. Snap trap took care of it. He looked rather surprised.

Am working on artwork to send to Media West but still hope to do something for your Triune story. :-) Might be later in the summer but I do want to do a painting for you. :-) Hoping it will bribe you to continue the story.

Your work sounds very interesting. Best wishes to you!


lindentreeisle April 6 2012, 02:32:24 UTC
It might! I am susceptible to bribery, especially when it's combined with flattery. O:-)

My work is interesting- sometimes. Haha. But the training definitely will be. Thanks!


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