Life update

Apr 12, 2011 23:27

I attempt to be social - On Sunday I went to the stitch and bitch at
synecdochic's house that
melannen has been trying to drag me to for some time. I sat around all morning hemming and hawing, which typically means I want to go and am just being lazy/socially avoiding. So I went. Mostly I just sat in the corner with my laptop, but half the other people had laptops too, so hopefully they didn't think me too socially defective. I am actually quite shy, although you may have a hard time believing this if you haven't seen me interacting with groups of people I don't know.

Handguns are awesome - Went to the shooting range on Saturday. We were there almost two hours, and it was great, even though I shot through a target carrier cable and pissed off the range people, which was kind of humiliating. Just a dumbfuck thing to do. I CAN'T HELP IT IF I'M TOO BLIND TO SEE THE HOLES IN THE TARGET YOU GUYS. I didn't realize I was taking headshots! This is why I hate the fucking Glock 40! I would make a lousy ass police officer. But!! I got to fire the .357 Magnum again, which is my favoritest fucking gun you guys. I literally laughed with delight watching people fire it, and I was grinning when I fired it. I probably would have looked like a fucking lunatic in any other context. The thing is a beast, but it's much easier to handle than a .40 or .45. I also got to fire a Makarov, which is essentially identical to the Walther ppx (James Bond's gun!) and that was a lot of fun too.

Know what else is awesome? Bach - We've already talked about my eternal love for the Double Violin Concerto. I'm also very fond of the third movement of his Violin Concerto in A Minor.

Whatever, work - I won a trial last week. Then I lost two. WHATEVER. The one I won was far more important to me than the ones I lost. I just haven't been very interested in work lately to be honest. I'd rather stay home and write fic all day, but no one's paying me for that, regrettably.

Did I mention? - The author of that fantastically fantastic Highlander/Sherlock au I recced a couple weeks ago turned out to be coloredink. Who also turned out to be the author of Honeybees come build in the empty house of the stare, which I ALSO recced last week. Coloredink, please continue writing kinkmeme fills forever. You are awesome.

My God my dreams are weird - So I guess I had a series of dreams last night where I was having sex? With women? IDEK. When it comes to exploring sexual interests that I don't actually have, that's much better than the dreams where I have sex with someone I know in real life. And INFINITELY BETTER than the dreams where I have sex with a relative. Please tell me I'm not the only one whose brain pulls this shit on a semi-regular basis. I mean, it's not like I'm repressed, here. I definitely have an active fantasy life when I'm awake, I don't need my fucking brain whipping up these emotionally scarring scenarios that I have no control over. In conclusion, I hate my brain and it hates me.

On a related note - Do I really need to dream about work EVERY NIGHT? Isn't it bad enough that I have to be there every day? Do I really have to be there all night? Late for court? With no pants on? Fuck you, brain!

Was I going to mention something else? Probably. Who knows. I'm going to bed with my laptop and my orange soda.

handguns, fic recs, work, dreams, life update, shooting range, stitch n bitch, bach

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