I'll warn you that some of the humor here is politicized, and it might offend you. That said, let's move on!
First there's
Cat and Girl. I gather Sleater-Kinney is a music group, but I've never heard of it. I think the main reason I like Cat and Girl is because half the time, it seems like it's talking over my head, so liking it makes me feel smarter. But I also sort of feel like somewhere inside me, there's this super-smart, slightly pretentious, true-to-her-ideals Girl, and that's what's depicted in the comic. Hurray! Even if you don't like pretension,
this is hilarious.
Also, there's people being asshats:
here and
here on Fandom_Wank.
Oh, and here's an
icon post featuring people mocking George Bush's guitar-playing (and the appropriateness of his timing). (This is the potentially offensive part.) It has a photo of Bush playing his guitar photoshopped onto a New Orleans scene with a woman weeping in the foreground, which is frankly hilarious. Ah, juxtaposition.
Also, these are not really funny. But if you are interested in commentary and don't know enough bad words, check out
the Rude Pundit ranting on presidential inadequacy. Also, if you have like an hour free
Legal Fiction has some good stuff about race, politics, and religion. The LF guy is a reasoner, not a ranter, and some of the stuff is thought-provoking.