Title: The Pack
ashinae and
linden_jayFandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay; (off screen) Teyla Emmagan/Evan Lorne, Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller, John Sheppard/Aiden Ford, Rodney McKay/Peter Grodin
Rating/Warning: NC-17 for explicit m/m sex, language, and violence
Word Count: ~64700
Summary: When Major John Sheppard shoots Colonel Sumner, he thinks of only one thing: keep the creature feeding on him from learning their secrets. He doesn't think that with that one act, he'll become Alpha of the pack in the Atlantis expedition.
That alone is weird enough, but John still has to navigate his new werewolf pack, military politics, witches, evil space vampires, Genii, and Replicators. There's the bonus complication of the grief, joy, wonder, and terror that is life in the Pegasus Galaxy. Add to that his frustration with--and maybe even feelings for--Dr Rodney McKay, and now the lone-wolf life John once enjoyed is even further behind him than it was the moment he stepped through the stargate and emerged in the city of Atlantis.
Notes: For
au_bigbang. Thanks to
dwg for creating a beautiful playlist and artwork and to
green_grrl for her beta work. Follows the entire five-year arc of SGA. So: spoilers galore. While we have attempted to remain as faithful as possible to the canon, we have certainly taken some liberties (see: pairings above) and while respecting events as they have happened, we have also changed some to fit our purposes (see: werewolves).
And the disclaimer: Stargate: Atlantis is the brainchild of Brad Wright & Robert C Cooper. We wrote this for fun, not for profit.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Chapter 7 |
Chapter 8 |
Chapter 9 |
Chapter 10 Playlist & art master post Read the story at AO3