Title: Time Enough and Space
ashinae and
linden_jayFandoms: Firefly and Doctor Who (Tenth & Eleventh Doctors)
Pairing(s): River/Simon
Rating/Warning: PG-13 for one instance of bad language.
Word Count: 25570
Summary: Simon Tam is an extraordinarily good liar. River isn't his baby sister. She isn't even human. She's a Time Lady, her mind shattered due to a failed attempt to use the Chameleon Arch in her TARDIS to hide herself and escape the Time War with Simon. Something went horribly wrong, and now they're fugitives and the Alliance has the TARDIS. Trapped in a time and place where aliens are myths, and time travel is impossible, they find refuge on board Serenity, and Simon tries to make a life for them there, and keep River safe.
Until one day, on an unremarkable little planet, two very remarkable people walk into the same little shop as Simon and River.
Donna Noble... and the Doctor.
Notes: For
au_bigbang. Thanks
weaselett for creating such lovely artwork and to
sabrinagb and
fiercy for their beta work.
And the disclaimer: Firefly is the brainchild of Joss Whedon. We are not Joss. Doctor Who is the brainchild of Sydney Newman, and many many others, and we are not them, either. We wrote this for fun, not for profit.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Chapter 5 Art master post At Ao3