i accidentally a third cat

Jul 20, 2012 20:51

Some neighbors of ours couldn't keep their cat anymore for Reasons and so kicked him out. (The lady half of this couple did not like kitty at all; apparently it was too affectionate? And had an ugly ass yowl for attention.)

So, me being me, and Eric being just as much of a crazy cat person - we set out on capturing Mr Mao with wet food, jingly toys, and a buttload of patience. But then Eric had a brilliant idea and enlisted the help of his former owner, the one who actually liked him, and now he is hiding under our bed with a can of wet food. The cat, not James.

No pictures yet.

Planning on fostering him until he's up to speed and we can find him a home. We already have two cats in this tiny ass apartment, and also I don't imagine they'll all get along just out of nowhere.

More updates to come.

lin is a crazy cat lady

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