turn into, hope i do, turn into you

Jul 21, 2010 20:12

I got a letter from the Boy Blunder today. I was surprised. I wasn't sure if he got busy, the mail was being slow, or if I accidentally scared him off. (Sometimes speaking your mind without filters is a bad thing.)

My most recent internal debate? Deciding whether or not I wanted to be selfish and keep these all to myself and hoard these letters like a dragon... or share with the letter-writing group. I have nothing to hide; these letters are not incriminating in any way, shape, or form; so... why not?

(Lovely Megan insists that this urge to hoard his letters is not selfish. I'll take her word for it.)

Dated Sunday 18 July 2010

Dear Dazzle,

Things are pretty routine, yeah, but it's okay, because there's food. We get mail [privileges] extended to Tuesdays and Thursdays as well, so I'll do my best to respond to the mass of mail I've been receiving. People are still messing up in the aspect that they just don't seem to care too much about how they affect the division. But I'm sure that will clear up, we just got rid of a few recruits. I apologize for not writing last week, we had an inspection on Monday, and I had to get all my stuff ready. I'm glad your trips to the waterparks went well, I've always enjoyed waterparks. My shoe size is 10 1/2, so somewhere in that ballpark works, and I thank you in advance for making me socks. It's always unfortunate when a good book meets a bad fate like your copy of Mansfield Park. I did get the Beethoven comic, it's pretty good, if a comic writer knows anything about music when they write a comic, it can be quite witty. Sleep... is something still foreign to us, due to stupid watchstanding. I can still pump out the 16 hours per day, but it just stinks that they "give us" 8 hours for sleep, but most of us get less than 6. Such is life. There's only 26 days left here, I'm excited for liberty, and for [Florida]. All the actual Navy stuff will start after we get this next inspection cycle done, it will be excellent. I hope things are going well, and you have something to occupy your time, empty summers can drive a person crazy. Anywho, back to the old grind!

Take care,

Because I'm a terrible person I can't help but think that homeboy needs to learn embrace semicolons. And perhaps take the stick out of his butt. He writes so stiff and awkwardly. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume it has a grocery list feel to it because he's so damn busy. At least I know he's been reading my letters. Take that, stupid, silly fear!

Oh, and since I'm pretty much done hoarding these letters to myself, might as well post the other one.

Received Thursday 8 July 2010

Dear Dazzle,

Geez, this has been crazy so far. There’s plenty of screw-ups in this division, it’s hard for us to all work together as a team.

To be honest, a lot of this has been day-to-day stuff, 18 hours a day. I really wish I had more I could say about what I’m doing, but it’s usually this: wake up, put on uniform, clean up barracks, go to chow, come back, get changed, go to PT, come back, practice marching, go to chow, study (if we don’t screw up too much), collect laundry and distribute laundry, get letters, lights out (at this point, people have to go on watch and stuff, it sucks).

I’m sorry to hear about your job situation, it’s never easy (kinda why I joined the Navy), but something will come up, you’re definitely more qualified than most on the job market.

I looked at the courses for your degree program… YIKES! I’m sure I’ll take a few [chemistry? hard to read sloppy, loopy boy scrawl], based science classes for breadth, but DANG! I forgot to mention how my quarter went academically: Theory A-, Lessons A, Math 102 C+ (stupid group projects), Counterpoint C, Orchestra A. My GPA took a small hit, but I can recover when I get back. You know I’ll always be proud of you in your accomplishments and the accomplishments you will make. I truly appreciate your continuing support for everything I do.

I must really thank you for keeping my mom company , I can only imagine how lonely she’s been in this whole situation, I’m really excited to see her at graduation when I get done, I know I’ll be in tears of joy when I do.

Wishing you all the best with friendly love,


PS: Sorry to disappoint, but I’m not a big soccer nut. I’ll write next Sunday :)

In other news, I went back to the pool today.

Let me tell you, transitioning from the open water to a pool is not fun, especially if you're fond of breathing. Mostly I felt like I was swimming in a hot tub. I felt pathetic. Every 100 yds I had to hang off the wall just to breathe. (Let's kindly ignore the fact that sprinters, my kind, are not supposed to breathe.)

Halfway through the lap swim, two punks invaded my lane, never mind that there were free lanes open, they just had to invade MINE without asking. (WHAT THE HELL. YOU CAN'T JUST INVADE LIKE IT'S POLAND. CRAP ON A CRACKER!) Just took it over. I took it as a cue to just get out and try again another day. But seriously? Dudes, learn some lane etiquette.

Other than swimming? Well, I've been writing and talking to people, mostly talking to people. Derrek and Megan, mostly. Every time I talk to Derrek it seems like I have to stop and ask where the fuck have you been all my life? He's fab. Megan is wonderful and lovely like always; mostly I just want to give her a big hug or obtain super awesome magical powers so her days suck less.

I've been drafting my reply to the Boy Blunder for a good part of the afternoon while listening to "Turn Into You" on loop. That song makes me a couple different shades of happy. I can't help but dance around to it like Karen O does in the music video :)

Man, cranking out this entry feels less flowing and intuitive and more like... constipation. Better luck tomorrow?

oh dazzle you so funny, writer's constipation, boy blunder, a day in the life, letters, squirrel on crack, turn into

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