Two Thousand Seven!

Dec 31, 2006 02:12

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!

My parents are in St. Catherine's until the 3rd, and the first thing they told me was "No parties.", which surprised and humoured me since when have I been known to party/throw parties/do anything in that vein? They were half joking, which also means they half weren't. Ohh, parents. So anyways, I'm going to a party at Eric's tomorrow night. I was also supposed to go to a shag, but I don't think I am anymore. Maybe. We'll see.

I am aware that the majority of the phrases above aren't complete sentences.

Whatever your plans are, have a great time and I'll see you all (by the power of the Intarwebs) in 2007!

EIGHT last:
8. Cigarette: Never.
7. Beverage: Pepsi with a lot of ice.
6. Movie: The Sting (Robert Redford <3)
5. Phone Call: Nathan from school.
4. CD Played: The Beatles 'Love'
3. Bubble Bath: It's probably been at least two years. That's a good idea, though! Maybe tonight.
2. Time You Cried: Sunday. It wasn't a sobbing sort of cry, just a few tears because someone else was crying.
1. Meal: A bacon cheeseburger from the Deek You on my break.

SEVEN Have Yous:
7. Dated Someone Twice: Nope.
6. Been Cheated On: No.
5. Bought condoms: Haha, yes! Later to be used as balloons, zeppelins and gloves. It was part of a scavenger hunt. . . P.S. never buy Lifestyle because they're not at all durable.
4. Kissed Someone & Regret It: Nope.
3. Lost Someone: Yes.
2. Been Depressed: Not clinically, just sort of down. It never lasts too long, though.
1. Been Drunk And Thrown up: I have been drunk, but I have never thrown up while drunk or afterward. Actually, i haven't thrown up for at least 2 or 3 years. *knocks on wood*

SIX Things You Did In The Past Three Days:
1. Gone shopping: Nope. I did on Boxing day, but that's just outside of the 3 day bubble.
2. Went To Work: Yes, last night for Jill and then again tonight.
3. Coloured: It has been far too long since I've coloured.
4. Talked to your crush: Not really.
5. Got Drunk: Nope.
6. Slept: Jeezy Creezy, I hope so! I've slept a lot, actually!

List FIVE People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything To (in no particular order)
1. Sheila, because I know she would never tell anyone! Though there are still things I don't tell her (because I don't tell anyone) I know that I could. I will start to open up to her more, because she can sense when something is bothering me (much like Spiderman. She IS Psyshizzle Shezizzle.) and she doesn't believe when I say "nothing".
2. Emily. I've known her for years, and she just has that personality that you can tell her anything and she'll still accept you.
3. My parents, even though they probably wouldn't understand. They'd try to.
4. Aussie Sarah. We met on a CSI forum, and she's like my Australian twin sister. Seriously, we like so many of the same things and think alike. It's almost like talking to myself!
5. Jeremy. It's strange, I know. But we talk on MSN a lot and if something's bugging me he can tell. He's like an older brother, but one who I can talk to about things as opposed to Greg who isn't even in the country and Devin who's there for me, but in a sort of nothing-in-common-with-my-older-Brother sort of way.

List THREE Favourite Colours
1. Red
2. Green
3. Show. Kidding. PEACOCK BLUE like Regis!

List TWO Things You Want To Do Before You Die
1. Meet my list of idols and admirees (not to be confused with admirers).
2. Get married to a wonderful man and have amazing children. If my children turn out to be complete morons with no morals I think I'll die inside. It's sort of an old-timey life goal, like I'm a house wife or something. How about I get married, have kids, and help change Thunder Bay as we know it?

So Far in '06 I have: So far? But it's the end of 2006.
1. Been To School: Yup.
2. Made A New Friend: Quite a few, yes.
3. Fallen Out Of Love: I guess I'd have to have been in love, so no.
4. Done Something You Swore Never To Do: No.
5. Laughed Until You Cried: There was a hell of a lot of laughing, but until I cried? Only a few times.
6. Went Behind Your Parents' Back: On midnight trips to McDonald's. That's it. I'm such a rebel! Oh, also for my failure meeting for school in the summer, until I broke down and told them.
7. Met Someone Who Changed Your Life?: Ish.
8. Gotten Close To Someone: Yes. Not really close, but close in a friend way.
9. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: Yes, definitely. I realized that some people I have been close to since Elementary school have changed a lot, and so have I. We don't have a lot in common anymore, and I don't see them very often at all, but they're still my friends. They're not included in the list of people I could tell anything to, because I'm not sure that I could. There'd be the sneaking suspicion I'd have that they'd tell somebody else because I have heard others' sworn secrets through them.

In 2006 I...
[x] broke a promise
[ ] made a new best friend
[ ] fallen out of love
[x] lied
[x] went behind your parent[/Guardian's] back
[ ] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy     Only very minimal things. Usually at work when you feel lousy, but you have to be nice to customers.
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[ ] forgot your new years resolution
[x] met someone who changed my life
[ ] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[x] left the country
[ ] almost died
[ ] given up something important to you
[ ] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[ ] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] met great people
[x] stayed up till sunrise    Haha, Sheila and I on the computer until all hours of the morning at camp.
[ x] pigged out over the summer     Yes! I thought I'd loose weight what with walking and things. It was the exact opposite.
[x] cried over the stupidest thing
[ ] was never home on weekends
[ ] gotten into a car accident
[x] had friends who were drifting away from you
[ ] had someone close to me die
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[x] wasted most of my money on food     Food, DVD's, CD's and magazines. That's all I ever buy, and I have $12 in my bank account. (PLZ D0N"T STEEL IT, HAK0RZ!!1!)
[ ] had a fist fight     That's my new New Year's resolution.
[x] went to the beach
[x] saw a celebrity    Great Big Sea! They totally count.
[x] got sick
[ ] liked more than 3 people at the same time
[x] became closer to a lot of people
(stolen from

Post the first line of the first entry of every month in 2006.
Post the last line of the last entry of every month in 2006.

January 1st - I hope that everybody is having a great holiday and Happy 2006 to you all!
January 30th - Why are Emo people never happy? Happiness is an emotion too.

February 2nd - I just realized that David Deluise was on CSI a few season ago!  (I had crossed it out because I made a mistake later on in assuming he was in 21 Jump Street, when it was his brother Peter Deluise who was. And his other brother is in Gilmore Girls!)
February 24th - Do you Bondies want to be the ones responsible when Pierce Brosnan breaks his frail little old-man legs and has a cardiac arrest? All because you forced him to be Bond for eternity. . . shame on you.

March 10th - I've abandoned my computer.
March 30th - I was making one of these and I thought I'd reveal my HIDDEN TALENT!

April 1st - A boy stole a cake from DQ today.
April 29th - I've said "balloons" a lot in this entry, and nearly every time I've typed "baloons" instead and have had to correct it. Balloons. Balloons balloons balloons balloons.

May 1st - The little kids party turned out great!
May 27th - I wish I could see it again. (About Blood Brothers, which I am listening to right now! Coinkidink.)

June 14th - The following may contain a POTC2 spoiler.
June 14th (I only had one entry in June. . .) - That's all for now. I'm not dead, just working a lot. And now I have a hair appointment, so. . .

July 5th - Here is another picspam from me, containing celebrity crushes not in my lists of the past.
July 30th - Now I'm off to listen to CD's and read about the music that which I am listening to. . .

August 1st - It's August.
August 29th - Go to hell, Rich Text.

September 4th - Rest in peace, Steve Irwin.
September 30th - I think I'll become a hermit.

October 9th - Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians!
October 29th - P.P.S. to Sheila: on Tuesday we should watch LA Without a Map while we eat our caramel apples.

November 5th - Who stole IMDb? Because I can't find it.
November 26th - That was a boring entry for everyone else excepting myself!

December 11th - I always promise to update more, but it never happens.
December 30th - Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! (Oh geez, that's THIS entry!)

Note: I didn't use the exact ending of each entry, because if I had everything would be "Cheers!". I also didn't use the entry if it was just a meme.(stolen from

I'm off to go read some more of The Pythons Autobiography by The Pythons because it took enough will power simply to put it down to work, never mind to compute. At $24 it's a must have for Monty Python fans! There are pictures, not to mention it's written by every single member (including Graham Chapman. Riddle me that! It's excerpts from other books he'd written.) and Graham's brother, sister-in-law and partner.



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