RP idea again: Species abilities

Jun 16, 2013 23:06

I'm posting this so one of my buddies can see what I got so far and we can confer. Feel free to look yourself. :V

Faeries. Tiny, magical creatures that can grow to normal human size by will. Different elements give them different attributes/abilities, as with all of the others.
⦁ Fire- Particularly adept in Destruction magic.
⦁ Air- Alteration.
⦁ Water- Conjuration.
⦁ Earth- Restoration.**

Humans. Normal people doing normal people things, for the most part. They may be humans, but they are special.
⦁ F- Those under this sign are able to learn and reach amazing feats in magic.
⦁ A- Can see visions of the past, present, and future.
⦁ W- Are able to bring in objects (large and small) from other worlds.
⦁ E- Never seem to get hurt and, if they do, may suffer great pain but will find it difficult to die.

Chimera. People that are part human and part some other animal. Minotaurs, centaurs, mermaids, or some other hybrid type of creature. They also like to eat people sometimes and they're fave is elves. W
⦁ F- Their instincts take over more often than not, sometimes in a violent manner.
⦁ A- Shapeshifters. They don't have to be just one form of creature +human. They will have a default, though.
⦁ W- Siphoning energy from others. Leech.
⦁ E- Duplication.

Elves. Beauitful creatures that are given knowledge beyond their years. They like to hunt other races and feed on their blood, particularly human blood. They can see visions of the future. A
⦁ F- Never sleep.
⦁ A- Posses amazing manipulation abilities.
⦁ W- Teleportation.
⦁ E- Can sense lies most of the time.

Orcs. Smelling, ugly, very strong people. They are also smart, despite it being common knowledge how dumb these beings are. Particularly resilent and are hardly ever hurt, much less killed. E
⦁ F- The strongest beings there are.
⦁ A- Camoflague.
⦁ W- Waterbreathing.
⦁ E- Tracking sense. Night, X-ray, telescopic, and heat vision.

**I have a list of magic spells that I stole from Skyrim and other things but it's really really long and I'm planning on taking a lot of things out or changing them up, so that's later. This is still a rough outline so I'm free to change, get rid of, add in more stuff, but there are some abilities I want to keep even though they may be difficult to maintain in a mod fashion.

This entry was originally posted at http://lina-trinch.dreamwidth.org/4631.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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