That's a working title. HELLO! If you're here then you're wondering what I've been going on about the past couple of days, which is a good thing. If you have questions, please ask them no matter what they are. I'm trying to make sure it all flows right. This is a very loose idea right now and I'm wanting to tighten it up a bit. There's also a couple of metaplot ideas I'm working on that's being kept quiet, so don't worry TOO TOO much about the background history, because that is fleshed out. OKAY SO.
There won't be a lot of fancy words as I'm still working on this entire thing. Basically, this is set in a very medieval/middle earth area. The actual map consists of a small village (which is still unnamed), forests surrounding the village, abandoned mines filled with ancient technology, and possibly a mountain or at least the side of one, with a river going through the whole thing. Characters will notice that they are trapped within the confines of this area (and I haven't decided what the barrier is yet).
Characters arrive in the game thanks to a ghostly child who seems to control the entire place. The only other NPC's is a woman who runs the bar/inn, a man who runs the shop/stables, and the Jarl of the village who is a cocky 18ish year old boy. Trust me, he's important. There's also nonplayable NPC's called "dolls" who all act and look the same. The ghost girl created them to sort of fill the void. They'll be transiting through the village and running the black market for the most part. They'll also be helpful during metaplots. So, basically, the place isn't COMPLETELY abandoned, but the only ones who are semi-normal are the three playable NPC's.
This is the slightly complicated part. Characters will not app in as they are from their canons. There are different races within the game and it is REQUIRED for characters to app in outside of their canon race. So far all I have are humans, faeries, elves, orcs, and chimeras (which is a working name for half human half other creature thing). I'm thinking about bringing in a race that is just predominantly LARGE all the time like dragons or something.
Muns are free to pick whatever race they want for their character, so long as it goes along with the above requirement. HOWEVER! While each race will have different attributes, there are factions within the races that go under different classes/signs/etc. They are simply Water, Fire, Earth, and Air GUARDIANS UNIIIIIITE~~. Each class within each species has different abilities and attributes. EXAMPLE: Humans under the sign of Fire are able to learn magic from books or (if it's dark magic) absorbing the magic from faeries. Humans under the sign of Air can see visions of the past, present, and future. On the other hand, Chimeras under the sign of Air are shapeshifters, so each race+class combo will give a different attribute. THE MUN CANNOT PICK THEIR SIGN. THE MODS WILL PICK IT FROM THE APP ACCORDINGLY.
Since this is a huge part of the game, I figured that if there's a sign the mun DOES NOT WANT then they may pick JUST ONE sign to not go under and the mods can pick from the other three. Also, if the player has one they REALLY REALLY OMG REALLY want, then they may make their case about which sign they think their character should be which may or may not influence the mods decision. None of that is required, but I figured it would be a good idea to use.
Can we go back to the part about absorbing faeries?
Why yes we can, you young attentive person. There will be some parts within the game that characters may have the need to use other characters to get ahead. Just take a visit to the black market and you'll find people selling faeries for magic, orc bones for weaponry/armor, elven hair for thread and jewelry, etc. Players have the freedom to choose whether or not they want to participate in buying/selling these awful awful things, but whether they do or not, the market will still be there thanks to the little girl's dolls.
So... People will die?
I haven't decided on a punishment for dying, but uh. Yeah. Folks are gonna die. I played with the idea of a "bright light" sort of deal that'll bring them back to life. However, I've been in a few games before where death forced the character to give up a part of themselves (a limb, a memory) in order to come back. I like that idea, but I'm not entirely sure if it has a place here. However, I don't want death to be something that's happening constantly without repercussions. Because if you've played with me in the Wake then you know I WILL KILL EVERYONE IF THAT HAPPENS. A LOT.
Right, so. What's the actual POINT? What are my characters here for and what is their motive?
They're here because the ghost girl got bored with nothing but her dolls and her uh npc prisoners. The motive of the character is to basically survive, especially with their new abilities/drawbacks. Every race will have certain instincts that the characters will find hard to ignore like the elves appetite for blood any blood mmm blood mmm. There's also an obvious mystery to unravel about the little girl. She won't make an appearance in the game for awhile after the start and when she does, she'll just be rumor and then just a flitting image in the corner of people's eyes. Why is she here? What happened to her? Why is my character here? Sob sob whine, etc. Half the fun is figuring out what the hell is going on. FYI, those few NPCs are totes hiding a lot of shit.
You said medieval/middle earth something something earlier but then you said ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY so, what kind of stuff is in the game and what can my character come in with/bring in through events?
I'm glad you asked, mysterious bold fonted voice. If you've ever played Skyrim, imagine the village to be something like Riverwood and the mines to be something like the Dwarven mines. If you haven't played Skyrim, imagine the village as something Robin Hood would live in and the mines as something you find and immediately think "aliens." The mines will be rich with metals, odd statues, and gold, bronze, steel, and other strange metals that I plan to steal from Skyrim or make up on my own. The technology in there are things your character has likely never seen before but will work oddly like something familiar. Like radios, walkee talkees, maybe even a computer if they're lucky, and lots of other things I haven't come up with yet.
Characters upon arrival will NOT have anything from their home. I've even been playing with the idea of not letting them keep their clothes. :T But everything that's not invented by the late 1500's in Europe will be gone, including weapons from ANY time and era. You can steal/find/buy weapons on your own. Which you will likely need, honestly.
As of now, Water aligned humans can bring in objects from other people's worlds, but this is one of the very special abilities that will be handled ONLY once a month, so they can request their monthly items of the mods. If there is no water aligned human in the game then you are just plain out of luck, unless there's an event that does otherwise.
Players WILL get some sort of device or magical ability that will allow them to post to the network, but I haven't fleshed that out too much yet.
So there's a currency?
Of sorts. Well, okay, YES, there is one in just plain old easy to remember gold, but the characters BY NO MEANS have to use it. If you want to buy things in the shop or get something really lavish, then yeah, you may need some gold. If you're wanting to go down in the black market for something and NOT ransack the place like a suicidal frat boy, then you will need LOTS of gold. You can get money by helping the dolls or the NPCs run their businesses (farming, delivering, trafficking, etc). The dolls in particular will be handing out jobs just for this purpose and they will be anywhere from "TAKE THIS LETTER TO MY LOVER" to "KILL THAT BITCH OVER THERE." I haven't worked out yet how jobs will be handed out oocly, but it'll probably be like the characters requesting particular jobs of the mods and the mods will approve/disapprove accordingly. Gold can also be gathered by ADVENTURING so go delve in them mines. The mods will randomly roll a number of the amount of gold you'll find in there. And, of course, there's the bad ways of earning easy money and that's capturing/killing your fellow players. Of course, that IS a lot of gold to gather up.
But I also said you don't NEED gold, didn't I? Well, that's true. The inn keeper may act like a bitch, but she has a soft spot for you guys and so does the shop keeper. They'll both give you free stuff and dolls will keep your character supplied with food (or you could just steal it). Living arrangements? You can get a room at the inn. The first month is free, after all. There are limited rooms, though, so you may want a house. There are also limited houses, though. Muns can request that their character build a home anywhere on the map. Depending on money poured into it (which isn't a requirement), location, IC help, size of the house, and time devoted to building, then the mods will reply with a time that will be devoted to building your home. So houses don't just poof in and there is no infinite space. A house being built in the village with no money, magic, friend help, etc will take about a month or so to build. Yes, that means your character is probably going to be homeless for a little while.
I'm thinking of shortening the time span on building houses, though. :|a
This is all well and good, but what about the sex? There better be sex or so help me-
YES, THERE'S SEX. Characters, including those of different races, are free to build up IC relationships and, yes, do the nasty. As of now, there is no getting pregnant in the game.
Sex aside, all IC things have to be, you know, IC. People won't just randomly fall in love and shit. Though, the Air aligned elves do have a lot of manipulation abilities, so there's that. :T
Okay, stop. These aligned abilities. Are they going to be really really annoying?
I hope not. Everything affecting characters must be preapproved by other players, such as the manipulation thing. Things like bringing in shit from other worlds will be approved by the mods, as said before. And no, you can't bring in the Empire State Building. Not unless several characters with the same ability who have been practicing it for awhile (passed several ACs) are all willing to do it, but then it would probably be a house that no one has to wait to get built. Things like that also have to be mod approved.
You say "mod approved" a lot.
Well, you can't bring in the Empire State Building, okay. :T If your idea makes sense and follows the rules, then you WILL be approved, but ask first. Srsly.
Okay, this idea sounds pretty snazzy. Are you gonna do it?
Idk. I want to but I've only been thinking on this idea since like Wednesday. Plus I have no mod experience, which is a BIG thing for me. So, I want to make sure I'm dedicated to this idea and willing to deal with modly duties before I do something like this, for any game idea I come up with.
If you like the premise so far, I am seriously considering making a test drive meme at some point, so you guys can try it out for yourselves and send back feedback and critics about it.
IF YOU HAVE FEEDBACK/CRITICS/QUESTIONS RIGHT NOW, GIVE. Please. Pretty please. If you're not interested at all, then that's cool, too. Thank you for reading my weird synopsis of a bored Saturday morning. :3
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