Shipping Meme ~GenRex Edition

Dec 17, 2010 22:14

Well, I've been telling everyone and their freaking mother that I kinda wanted to do one of these for just GenRex... cuz this fandom is so damn sexy... ANYWHO (again, got this from x_x )

List 6 Pairings You Like
1. Six/Holiday
2.  Rex/Circe
3. Gatlocke/DeathBunny
4. Six/DeathBunny
5.  Biowulf/Breach
6.  Six/Callan (psh, leave me alone o//o)

List 3 Pairings You Used To Like, But Don't Anymore
7.  DeathBunny/Rex (do you need to ask why Rex is the uke?)
8.  Rex/Breach
9. Holiday/Circe

List 3 Pairings You Don't Like
10.  Six/Rex
11.  Knight/Six
12.  Skalamandar/Six

List 2 Pairings You're Interested In, But Haven't Started Shipping Yet
13.  Callan/Holiday
14.  Rex/Noah

1) Why do you hate #11 (Knight/Six) so much?
Well, honestly, Knight is a dick. There, I said it, the man's a dick. Six deserves better for one and second, if Six was gay, I doubt Knight is his type (with him being a total dick and all >.> though he did score points in the finale)

2) Does anyone you know ship #13 (Callan/Holiday)?
There's a few that do, but that's just b/c they need to free up Six for Rex. I kinda like this couple. <3 Callan lol.

3) What is your ideal scenario for #3 (Gatlocke/DeathBunny), even if the show isn't on the air anymore?
This may be coming to a fanfiction near you, btw. Anywho, they join forces in order to kidnap/molest/torture/kill/tickle/etc Rex. Yes *3* They discover true love along the way. (You know you can see this happening)

4) What is your favorite episode for #1 (Six/Holiday)?
Probably, Promises, Promises. I mean.... SIX hit on HOLIDAY FIRST O.O Major game changer.

5) How long have you been following #6 (Callan/Holiday)?
Ever since one of my friends (laruna8 ) made a SeX fic and forced me to read it. Called Trying To Live. I suppose it is cute, but the Callix is my fave parts. Btw, she's seldom, if not ever, on LJ. Don't know why she doesn't like it so much.

6) What's the story with #8 (Rex/Breach)? What made you stop liking them/caring?
Well, Breach is a total psycho. They're cute in a 'she really needs some help' kinda way. But, for Rex's safety, I pretty much stopped shipping this.

7) Which ship do you prefer - #2 (Rex/Circe) or #4 (Six/DeathBunny)?
...... Well, Circex is cannon... but Six and DeathBunny is just the awesome. I don't so much ship them as I can see that Six comes home one day with the Bunny following him and suddenly attacks Rex. PSHlulz.

8) If you have the power to make one ship non-existent, choose from #10 (Six/Rex) or #12 (Skalamander/Six).
That's an easy question! Someone on the Providence Playground board put that damn bunny in my head! *points flaming arrow at Skaly and Six*

Skaly: *grabs Six* Sixy, my love, we are about to go down in an inferno of passion!
Skaly: Kiss me, my love!
Me: DIE!!!! *flaming arrow barbage*
Skaly: My love, we shall meet in the after-
Six: DIE YOU GREEN DROOLING SON OF A BITCH!!!!!! *attacks with lead pipe*
Skaly: Now is not the time for foreplay, my love, though it is appreciated.

I'm gonna just stop before this gets out of hand.... You get it.

9) What interests you about #14 (Rex/Noah)?
Ok, for a yaoi, they are kinda cute lol. I love the entire Basic episode. Full of lulz. Those two are so freaking hilarious.

10) When did you stop liking #7 (Rex/DeathBunny)?
When I noticed Rex was never going to return his feelings TT.TT (Bunny wasn't following to attack him, he was following to, um..... well, I guess it could be called attacking...) Besides, they were a destructive couple anyway. Always fighting and screaming. It was never gonna work.

11) Did your waning interest in #9 (Holiday/Circe) kill your interest in the show?
Psh, NO. I just almost shipped these two in a fanfic a little bit, but I didn't last second (cuz I'm a hardcore holix fan). So, yeah.

12) What song reminds you of #5 (Biowulf/Breach)?
Oh, well, let's see. I think the first that comes to mind is Cold by Crossfade. I'd imagine they could be a decent couple if they were turned human again. (If Biowulf was ever human)

13) Which of these ships do you love the most?
HOLIX dur, again

14) Which do you dislike the most?
Six and Skaly. *grabs some brain bleach*.

15) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? Why?
Calliday and Holix... well, it wouldn't really be a double date... just a ninja/soldier throwdown... Seriously, I have to see that.

16) Has #2 (Rex/Circe) kissed yet?
No, but it was SO CLOSE. I'm sure they will at some point, I mean, she is Rex's love interest.

17) Did #4 (Six/DeathBunny) have a happy ending?
Yeah. Six gets the popcorn and Bunny kills Rex. Everyone has fun. Well, that's not cannon, but I bet it will be one day.

18) What would make you start shipping #13 (Callan/Holiday)?
I don't know if anything will. I could totally see a triangle here. I mean, Callan's loving and strong and hilarious, but I love Six forever and WE ALL KNOW he loves Holiday. I'm always going to be rooting for Six. (Unless he dies... Then I will grieve and fall into Callan's arms... and Holiday will, too, I would think...)

19) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 (Rex/Circe) or #6 (Callan/Holiday)?
Circex, cuz it does not interfere with my Holix.

20) You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Six/Rex). What happens to them?
I said this the last time and I'll say it again. Six will most likely be shipped off to jail XD. Poor fella. Either that or Holiday walks in on something horrible.... >.>

Yar, yar. Again.

Ok, I now have TWO Secret Santas to do AND I got myself in a Holix oneshot contest @.@ So happy that it's break.

meme, generator rex

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