Shipping Meme! :D

Dec 16, 2010 12:01

GASP Got this from x-x cuz it's just WAY TOO FUN. @.@

List 6 Pairings You Like
1. Gambit/Rogue (X-Men)
2. Six/Holiday (Generator Rex)
3. Gippal/Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2)
4. Shikamaru/Temari (Naruto)
5. Gatlocke/DeathBunny (Generator Rex)
6. Domon/Rain (G Gundam)

List 3 Pairings You Used To Like, But Don't Anymore
7. Squall/Yuffie (Kingdom Hearts)
8. Nephrite/Mercury (Sailor Moon)
9. Seto/Tea (YuGiOh)

List 3 Pairings You Don't Like
10. Six/Rex (Generator Rex)
11. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
12. Sasuke/Itachi (Naruto)

List 2 Pairings You're Interested In, But Haven't Started Shipping Yet
13. Uranus/Neptune (Sailor Moon)
14. Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)

1) Why do you hate #11 (Harry/Draco) so much?
Well, for one, I don't like anything yaoi. Then there's the whole 'I-don't-like-Draco' thing. And then, of course, the fact that I don't even care for the Harry Potter series XD I mean, I did, kinda. It was ok, but Rowling screwed over the epilogue thing BIG TIME. Wherever I go, I see photoshops of these two naked and embraced. It urkes me the hell out.

2) Does anyone you know ship #13 (Uranus/Neptune)?
PSH. Just about everybody that's into this fandom. Other than the obvious Usagi/Mam, this is basically the cannon couple.

3) What is your ideal scenario for #3 (Gippal/Rikku), even if the show isn't on the air anymore?
Game. lol. But still, the games are (as of now) over. Well, there's a fanfic called Dream A Little Dream and it basically answers this question. Other than some emo elements, Rikku goes off on her own 'story' and Gippal tags along, especially since she doesn't want him to. Lol. Everytime I get a little 'egh' I go read that fic. Sadly, it was NEVER finished... Kinda ticks me off.

4) What is your favorite episode for #1 (Gambit/Rogue)?
Urrrrr... omgosh... those so many to pick from. Especially there's like 5 different series, and a few movies floating around (though, they haven't met in the moveis.. hate Fox). Anyway, there a Season finale of the `90's X-Men. Sinister is being bitchy and he captures the group and takes away their powers. Rogue is scared and Gambit tells her he loves her and kisses her. That's probably my fave.

5) How long have you been following #6 (Domon/Rain)?
Oh, wow. How long ago was this show? `99? That sounds about right. Well, I remember I fell for them when they fought in Canada, and that was like the beginning of the show... So close to forever is my answer.

6) What's the story with #8 (Nephrite/Mercury)? What made you stop liking them/caring?
This couple is going NOWHERE. There was only one season of PGSM and none of the other Sailor Moon thingies ship this couple. And there aren't many fanfics for them. It's just... heartbreaking, really.

7) Which ship do you prefer - #2 (Six/Holiday) or #4 (Shikamaru/Temari)?
#2 easy. I like Shika/Tema (A LOT), but they aren't official cannon and I can't get Naruto from anywhere right now. Yeah, they're on DisneyXD, but it's SO FAR behind the manga and I don't wanna go buy a 10$ book for a maybe-so. Holix is pure epic, anyway. They're (pretty much) cannon and they are sexy as hell. Oh, and it's on every Friday XD. What's not to love?

8) If you have the power to make one ship non-existent, choose from #10 (Six/Rex) or #12 (Sasuke/Itachi).
I would say 'Kill the SeX!!RAWR' but I have too many friends that love this pairing. Now, I have friends that like the ItaSasu, too... but they are BROTHERS. That's a bit more freakier than the 30 on 15 year old. *nukes Ita/Sasu*

9) What interests you about #14 (Axel/Roxas)?
These two have a bond. I mean, yeah, KH is ALL about friendship and you can see that plain as freaking day with Sora and Riku, but these two seem a lot... closer. If it wasn't yaoi or if it was a little bit more cannon (and less sad), I'd ship the hell out of this.

10) When did you stop liking #7 (Squall/Yuffie)?
The moment that I figured out that it would never happen. I mean, it might in the KH-verse, but... I mean... they're from TWO DIFFERENT GAMES and I'd imagine that Yuffie annoys the HELL out of Squall.

11) Did your waning interest in #9 (Seto/Tea) kill your interest in the show?
Nope. The show killed my interest in the couple. The original series was pretty good, but then they went all... ape shit, I guess is the word. If it at least went back to the tone or base storyline of the original, then it would be better. But, what am I saying, I don't watch that anymore anyway :P

12) What song reminds you of #5 (Gatlocke/DeathBunny)?
..... ermm.... God, there's honestly so many to pick from... Hrm. Probably Trigger Happy by Weird Al Yankovic... or just about any Weird Al song, really lol

13) Which of these ships do you love the most?
Right now? HOLIX dur

14) Which do you dislike the most?
Right now, again? Um, probably Six/Rex. There are various reasons.

15) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? Why?
O.o hehehe um... well, that's easy. Six/Holiday x Gatlocke/Deathbunny... YES.

Bunny: RAWR!!!!!!!!!
Gatlocke: So, anyway, I was curious as to what we could tie Rex up with. What do you use to tie him down?
Holiday: Um...
Bunny: RAWR!?!?!?!
Holiday: O.O
Six: >.> *sneak away*

Gawd, I gotta write that fic... And just cause :P

16) Has #2 (Six/Holiday) kissed yet?
No. BUT THEY WILL! I KNOWS IT! *3* I knows it...

17) Did #4 (Shikamaru/Temari) have a happy ending?
Well, I don't know. SOMEONE won't post it anymore!

18) What would make you start shipping #13 (Uranus/Neptune)?
If they were both less emo and serious. Honest.

19) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 (Six/Holiday) or #6 (Domon/Rain)?
..... oh, you bitch... that's not fair! *grumble* Well, since I haven't seen G Gundam in... FOREVER, I guess I pick Holix. Besides, Domon/Rain has happened... we need REAL Holix-ness.

20) You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Six/Rex). What happens to them?

Six: Rex.... how old are you again?
Rex: Uh.... I love you?
Six: ...... Am I going to jail?
Rex: Yes.

Yay :D

As for the Secret Santa.... working on it... >.>

meme, fandom

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