Aug 24, 2006 15:32
Pluto loses planet status Thu Aug 24, 9:36 AM ET
PRAGUE (Reuters) - Scientists from around the world on Thursday approved a new definition of a planet, downgrading Pluto's status to leave just eight classical planets.
After a heated debate, 2,500 scientists and astronomers voted at the International Astronomers Union General Assembly that Pluto, which has been called a planet since being discovered in 1930, would be put into a category of planets called "dwarf planets."
To all of you scientists who made this descision: SCREW YOU! I'm not listening you ever have to say about anyhting again. EVER.
There. That'll show 'em. They should be on their knees begging me for an apology and restoring Pluto to it's rightful planet status by the end of the evening. Yup. We'll See.