If you're already in a pissy mood, don't read the article.

Jul 19, 2007 20:06

It's a really telling piece from Rolling Stone, but it's fucking scary.

"One Man's God Squad: Troy Newman's plan to stop abortion in Wichita, Kansas"

I mean, Jesus Christ. They pretty much stalk these people out of a job.

My favorite part?

The girl furrows her brow. "We just clean the guy's clothes."

"Babies have to die when you accept his money," Sullenger says.

The woman suggests they talk to the owner, who is gone for the day. Newman and Sullenger return the next morning, but the owner cuts them off with a curt "Bye" as soon as they identify themselves. When Newman persists, the owner makes it plainer: "Get the hell out of here."

The first part sounds like a satire, and the second part is just made of win.

abortion, wtf

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