Feb 10, 2011 22:45
Can't be arsed with a lj cut, I hope it doesn't bother anyone.
Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
I wouldn't mind taking trips in general, I don't really care where I go. I don't want to go alone though. I like to fantasize about taking trips with my imaginary boyfriend. I'd probably go anywhere he wanted to. Love road trips. I'd like to be one of those old people who travel across America/Canada (not Mexico, eff that) in a motor home. With my geezer husband driving, of course :)
As annoying as winter is, I have zero reason or desire to move anywhere. Moving is way more effort than is necessary. The only reason I could ever see living somewhere else is if I were married and we had to move for his career or something. I don't need to live somewhere else just because I never have, that's what vacations are for.
Day 14 - Your earliest memory.
I keep envisioning home movies I've seen from when I was very little, but I don't think that counts. Hmm. I don't have a really good memory. The earliest I think I can actually see in my mind is around age 4. I remember going through a phase where I thought I should be brutally honest with people, and telling my Dad I loved Mom more than him. I also remember telling Mom she should go to hell, without really knowing what that meant.
I remember running into a coffee table and getting a black eye. A very 70's style dress I loved to wear, maybe age 3. I remember my house, and my room, which had pea soup green carpet and yellow and orange wallpaper with cartoon animals on it. I definitely remember being in a toddler swing I had in my room that swung into the closet. Always loved swings.
Oooh! I remember being in my first bed after a crib. the sheet would be tucked in tightly on the sides, and I liked to wedge my body in between the sheet and the side of the bed. Often fell to the floor that way.
Day 15 - Your favorite tumblrs.
I don't use that site.
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.
I'm not against it. I like indie music, but don't shun mainstream. If I groove to a song, it doesn't matter what walk of life it is from, I am a equal opportunity listener. Though after a while some of them can start to sound so much the same.
Men singers: can you please avoid that whiny STRESSING-every-OTHER-word-EQUALS-heartfelt-STYLE? Users of autotune: use wisely. People inserting rap into an otherwise nice song that I was digging: this does not make your song badass. Stop it.
Some of the mainstreamers I've been really enjoying lately are Adam Lambert, Plain White Tees, Rhianna, Pink, Mumford & Sons, and Muse, with Kesha and Katy Perry as guilty pleasures.
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
Well, Sunday is going to be my first year anniversary of purchasing my condo :) Love you Condo, even though your heating bill eats my soul.
- Condo. Condo condo condo. In conclusion, condo.
- Seeing friends more often. Being with friends is always a high.
- My friends have started getting married! <3
- Had a bona fide mother fucking date.
- Meh, told you my memory isn't the best.
- Car. Bitch.
- End result of bona fide date
- Related, my friends have started getting married :-p
- Keeping up with my procrastination cycle. At least I'm consistent in something XD
Day 18 - Your beliefs.
My beliefs in what? Wasn't this already covered under "your views on religion?" I believe in the power of a soft doughnut with chocolate frosting.
Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.
I don't get it, this is not a question. I get along well with my parents, and love them. I'm not always a fan of either of the spouses they chose, for opposite reasons. Mom's doesn't do enough with her, and Dad's won't let him off her leash. But they're still essentially good people, it could be much worse.
Day 20 - How important you think education is.
It is very important, of course. The more you know, you know.... I am a lazy bitch though, so I'm not doing so hot continuing my education as an adult. But that doesn't mean I don't think it's awesome for everyone else XD
Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.
ONE?! That is ridiculous. Currently I am following Glee and Trueblood, though the latter not quite as closely. Especially after I read ahead to what happens to Sookie and Bill, who were my favorite couple. But still, Jessica & Hoyt weren't in the books, so they still have a chance. Though a vampire/human relationship seems pretty much intrinsically flawed and doomed, unless the human switches teams. As much as the show likes to make parallels between vampires and gay marriage, the same cannot be said for gay couples ^_^
Glee, I have so many thoughts. But I will not go into that right now, way too long XD
After watching several sitcoms all the way through, I have to say I still love the Nanny. Although I wish she hadn't accepted every single freakin proposal she ever received. I really want to get married too Fran, but damn. IT'S OK TO SAY NO IF YOU HAVE DOUBTS, or have only known the guy for one day, Jesus. And the celebrity guests gimmick got very old.
LOVE Frasier, but ONLY for the NIles & Daphne storyline. The way I watched it, it was pretty much Frasier who? I feel pretty vindicated now that David Hyde Pierce has turned out to be an adorable gay man in a long-term committed relationship, and Kelsey Grammer is a skeevy tired hollywood cliche who is divorcing his wife to marry someone who is way younger, yet looks exactly like her. Gross.
Queer as Folk can sex me up any time. Except for Ted, who can die in a whiny little pathetic fire, although I do approve of Blake. Kurt in Glee reminds me so much of Emmett :)