gakked from
kagejim I...
[x] been to Starbucks more than once in my life
[ ] don't mind shoving people out of my way on the street
[ ] pay over $150 for a pair of jeans
[x] own 2 or more polo shirts
[ ] will never be caught without my cell phone
[ ] straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis
total: 2
I also...
[ ] Have more than 50 pairs of shoes (20 if your male)
[ ] own an oversized pair of sunglasses (aviators for guys)
[ ] shop at places like A/X, Bergdorf, Chanel and Dior
[x] layer my shirts (undershirts, and jackets)
[ ] have/had a blackberry or palm pilot
total: 1
[ ] When I'm not drinking starbucks I prefer water
[ ] I never notice pan-handlers
[ ] I own an oversized bag or purse
[ ] I either don't have a car or almost never use it
[ ] $5.00 or more for a beer is normal to me.
[ ] On a regular day, I'll hear at least 4 different languages
[ ] I own tight jeans
total: 0
[ ] wear large necklaces
[ ] own an iPod/mp3 player and wear it constantly
[x] have the internet
[x] have pirated a neighbors wi-fi.
[ ] lose my mind when there's a blackout.
total: 2
And I...
[ ] say wit or yous guys
[ ] a full days shopping never involves a mall
[ ] take public transit almost every day
[ ] own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more
[ ] have never been in a Wal-Mart
total: 0
***add x's and multiply by 3: I'm 15% City
How COUNTRY are you?
Have you...
Have you...
[ ] ridden a horse
[ ] owned a horse
[ ] owned land..
[x] been 4 wheeling
[ ] said "ain't"
[ ] been cow-tipping
[ ] been deer hunting
[x] been swimming in a lake
[x] caught a fish
[ ] seen a deer get skinned
total: 3
[x] have worked on a ranch or on land
[ ] have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere
[ ] have been duck hunting
[x] have went swimming in a river
[ ] driven a tractor
[x] own a rebel flag
[ ] like to fish
[ ] have a funny accent... or people have told you that
[ ] owned a pair of cowboy boots
[ ] own/owned a cowboy hat
[ ] own/have owned a big dog
[x] say "y'all"
[ ] have been made fun of for sayin "y'all"
total: 4
You also...
[x] when you cuss you say things like "gatdarnit"
[ ] have dipped/dip snuff
[x] go/have gone to church on sunday
[ ] owned/own a bird dog
[ ] have riddin' a horse to somewhere in town
[ ] have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch
[x] have eaten deer meat
[x] have shot a gun
[ ] own a gun
[ ] parked your vehicles in the yard
[ ] have eaten chitlins
[ ] have eaten liver
total: 4
[ ] have gone shopping...for a gun
[ ] get the kids in your family a toy gun for christmas
[ ] unloaded straw? (I load straw, I'm saying that counts)
[ ] Don't mind the heat in summer
[x] know what stirrups are
[ ] have fed the deer
[ ] had a mutt yard dog that you only kinda "own"
total: 1
***add x's and multiply by 3 and put I'm 36% Country