My Friend, Brent's Facebook Status...

Mar 25, 2010 14:12

Brent Weichers Trigeminal Neuralgia, sometimes called "The Suicide Disease" and often described as the worst pain known to man. Awareness is needed! Please, if you have TN or know someone affected by it, or if you care for someone with it, Copy and Paste this to your wall. TN Family UNITE! We cannot suffer in silence anymore. This is for you Sheri

Janine Salvaggio-Devine
Thank you Brent for spreading the awareness ♥

Sheri Neumoyer
Oh wow, Brent! Thank you!! *hug*

Brent Weichers
Yup, I had TN for over three years, two brain surgeries later in which I think it all got put back in the right spot I am all better.

book, neurosurgery, brent tn, facebook, atypical trigeminal neuralgia, tn2, cranial nerve disorder awareness

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