Aug 14, 2006 21:27
To conclude the summer! :(
Summer is . . .Relay for Life. staying up all night your best friends in the world.
Summer is . . . random trips to Jamba Juice.
Summer is . . . working your summer job and meeting people that you want to remember for the rest of your life.
Summer is . . . spending hours on end doing AP homework.
Summer is . . . summer band, marching band!
Summer is . . . writing a crazy movie script and never filming it.
Summer is . . . becoming BFFs with the ice cream man.
Summer is . . . going on AIM and talking about nothing because you're so bored.
Summer is . . . learning about yourself.
Summer is . . . going to the library because you're just that cool.
Summer is . . . getting your driver's license with a crazy gum chewing guy.
Summer is . . . becoming a pirate!
Summer is . . . chasing ducks and taking pictures of them.
Summer is . . . setting off lame fireworks!
Summer is . . . realizing something you thought you were over, you aren't.
Summer is . . . watching movies.
Summer is . . . talking on the phone with your best friend almost everyday.
Summer is . . . sweating your heart out at the gym.
Summer is . . . seeing your french teacher 3 times, twice at said gym.
Summer is . . . never going to the pool...
Summer is . . . many sweet sixteens.
Summer is . . . trying new things.
Summer is . . . missing everyone.
Summer is . . . posting random blogs on myspace.
Summer is . . . regretting your actions.
Summer is . . . coming to an end.
Summer is . . . means . . .
. . . saying goodbye to many . . . <3
Summer is . . . LOVE! <3